Today was absolutely crazy! Seriously, I was stressing out, but you would have never known if you saw me because I was really happy and smiley. I get that way when I'm stressed because I have to try to make myself think positive. I kept telling myself, "Today is a good day." I'm determined that if I tell myself that enough that today will actually be a good day. Coach White asked me how I was doing today in math. I just about let all of my feelings out, but I still had the hyper face going so he thought I was on some kind of adrenaline rush. So anyway, drama from last night kept me thinking. Then Kristin told me about someone liking me which is weird and one more thing I have to deal with right now. I mean I am totally flattered, but as I've said many times previously, I have to get God and me right before me and another guy. Thankfully at lunch I found out that David is NOT mad at me which is great, and one thing I don't have to deal with. I really just need to go to sleep and get my mind off these things.
Anyway, this afternoon was a load better. I had Powder-Puff football practice after school and that was pretty cool. Today I was the...uh...Right Guard...yeah. That was fun and I'm sure watching us all run around trying to play football was too. After that I had to go to Saint David's, the school where my mom works, to work at family night. "Miss" Mary wanted me to dress up as Clifford since they had a book fair and all; I didn't feel like because I obviously haven't had the best day ever. So I didn't end up doing it, and I felt pretty bad. I'm usually one to do something crazy like that. I ended up helping serve hotdogs. Later some of the little kids had to go sing and I didn't feel like watching that either, which was also weird because I love little kids. Afterwards though, I got to hang out with some of my favorite little kids, Summer and Sully. They're really great.
Well, because the only time I've been home today has been this morning before school and right now, I've got to go do homework.
Anyone who reads this please be in prayer for my grandpa who is having surgery tomorrow. Also for my mom and dad who are going to see him and my grandma tomorrow.
Oh yeah, be in prayer for me as I'm as stressed out like I was today. Leave any prayer request if you have any.