Wednesday, December 29, 2004

I'm Back Again

I would have titled this entry "Christmas" but I guess it's a bit too late for that. So I stuck with "I'm Back Again" because I haven't updated this thing in a LONG time. I guess because I haven't had a load to write, I mean no stress from school and whatnot so yeah.

My Christmas was pretty great. I got a good bit of stuff (stuff that I don't deserve for any reason, but it was nice to get things) here's a few things I got...
-a cell phone (yeah, I admit that I am on the spoiled side of life).
-Seven or eight totes/pocketbooks. I ended up exchanging one of them. I mean who really needs that many? At least at one time that is..
-a much needed clarinet case
You know the classic teenage girl stuff, besides makeup, which I wouldn't wear anyway.
My Christmas break has been pretty good though. Andrew and I started "going out" (where we are "going" I don't know, I guess the better word is "dating") on the twenty-second and it's been great to just relax from school crap for a while. I've missed Andrew a ton though. He's been in Sumter most of his break. Although he doesn't really have a choice; it's with his family or whatnot.

Hair Cut
I got a hair cut that I do like. I don't know if a lot of other people will seeing as I haven't seen anyone besides Anna Grace and her family since I got it cut. Oh yeah, and Chris (Kate's little brother; as if he cares) and of course my family.

Hanging Out with Anna Grace and the Rest of Her Crew
I've been with Anna Grace and her family for the past two days. It's been pretty cool seeing them since they live in "big" town of Summerton now. I really miss those folks. But anyway, I spent the night at their house and we watched Napoleon Dynomite. My review for the movie is that it was rather pointless, but it was funny. I didn't have a real story plot at all. It was just a bunch of random things happening to this guy and the strange stuff he did. But it was funny, plus it was actually a movie without any cussing and whatnot so that is a major plus. Today we went shopping in Florence and then went to Summerton for a bit.

Okay, I know that you could not possibly be more bored reading this (why you are I'm not actually sure), but I'll stop typing now because I am bored as well. Well, I'm off to play the GameCube with my brother.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Long Day..

Today has been one of the longest days ever. I'll start at the beginning. Well, you know it's the Friday before we get out for the holidays and of course we had to go to Coles this morning. Once again a load of people were there: Andrew, Dorterra, Mark, David, Collin, Landon, Bryce, Braydon, Caitlin, and Megean. Then of course, you know school. What fun; of course we didn't do anything, considering all of my classes were like twenty minutes today. Afterwards I went to Florence with Katlyn, Mrs. Sandy, Rachel, and Beka. That was pretty cool. I finally got Katlyn and Rachel's Christmas present and I still don't know what to get Beka. That is so terrible! So anyway, we had to get home early because Rachel had to babysit, but it was cool because I ended up going to the basketball game with a load of folks. Then my mom had to come and pick me up because everyone was going to the Mexican and I can't ride with anybody. Then everyone went to Mark and Jess's house to play German Spotlight which was pretty cool. Of course I'm surprised no one came out of their houses trying to find out what in the world we were doing. Anyway, that was a rough summary of my day. I'm gone to take a shower and get some sleep.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Life As of Now

Well, I haven't posted in a good little while. I've been so busy and had so much on my mine. Here's what I've been doing since the last time I posted...

Wednesday- Working on our script for history day at Kate's house. Then worked on history day at my house until really late.
Thursday- Talked to Andrew on the phone. Yeah, I might as well go on and say it, considering everyone and their brother already know; he's the guy I'm talking to. Correct that, "we're getting to know each other better and considering a relationship." David doesn't like the term "talking." Anyway, then I went to the Long Middle School band concert. I also had to work on history day, considering it was due the next day.
Friday- Went to eat at Coles with Mark, David, Andrew, Katie, Bryce, Braydon (I think that's their names, I'm probably really wrong), Megan, Landon, Dorterra, Caitlyn, and Jonathan. Very big crowd. History day was finally due and over with, at least for a little while. At four-o-clock I left for the S.A.L.T. trip. It was awesomely good fun! I needed the break, but because Mr. Stafford has a project due this coming Wednesday I had to take it with me to work on.
Saturday- Still at the beach for the S.A.L.T. trip.
Sunday- Got back home for the beach, came home and took a much needed nap. Then went to Bradley's Christmas program at the church.

I've been really busy and I'm ready for my much needed Christmas break! And now I'm off to work on Mr. Stafford's "devil" (as Ryne put it) project.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


I haven't updated as often as I did a week or two ago. I've been totally busy trying to learn the oboe, which I'm not a whole lot better on...which stinks. I've also had a little drama, but it's almost a good thing. Me and this guy are "talking". I know, I know, I know! The whole thing with God won't allow me to go with him, or like him for that matter! My God thing is until I feel He tells me I'm ready for a relationship with a certain guy. The feeling of waiting for a guy is almost gone. As if I should try to be in a relationship with this guy, or at least get to know him better, because it's what is best for me right now. So right now we're just talking and getting to know each other better. But I'm happy about it and according to him and his friends he is too. So that's pretty awesome.
Not a whole lot of other news, so I'm out.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

The State Championship Game

Well, Cheraw lost to Broome, but those guys played really hard and I know there was a lot of pressure put on them from the town. I thank them for making state though because I sure had an awesome time. I mean how many people actually get to go to a State Championship game during their high school years?
On the way there Beka and I had a long conversation about guys and such. That was interesting. Then Andrew started singing. It was not the greatest thing I'd ever heard. Then, we finally got there to Columbia. We warmed up a little (the band I mean), and then we practiced the National Anthem with the Broome band (who we did beat at state). You know, then we went in a played it for everyone and then climbed up the USC stadium seats. Of course all of us band dorks had a good time. Erica, Malcolm, Alex, Chloe, and I were all dancing, Andrew was yelling at his uncle (he's the coach, by the way), and of course we provided all of the entertainment for the night. Just kidding! Anyway, so during half time we performed movement 4, made this new drill set that said "CHS," and made a tomahawk. It was so great to march again. I absolutely LOVE it! Afterward we got third quarter off in which I caught up with Banks who was looking for Beka, who I had no clue where she was. I don't think he ever found her either. He said that him, Beth, and Brandon were all looking for everyone they knew while we were performing, and I was the easiest to spot. Especially when after we formed the tomahawk and played the war path, we marched to the sideline. Because I was standing next to Willie and Jarret L. I looked even shorter.
When we got in the stands it seemed like everyone was all pumped up again. Later we were beating Broome of a little bit, but a load of the fans got really cocky and we Broome got two more touchdowns and beat us. That stank.
On the was back I sat with Ashley most of the trip and then we stopped at Burger King, and I couldn't eat half of a large fry (that's all I got obviously). Afterwards, I was sort of tired, but I couldn't get very comfortable in the bus seat, so I sat up and talked to Dana, Erica, and Malcolm with their crazy selves. And now I'm here typing this stuff...and about to go to bed because it's been a pretty long day.

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