Tuesday, August 30, 2005
i hate... [Christmas parties]
So it's official. I HATE being sick! It is only about the WORST feeling ever. Oh how thankful to the Lord I will be when I'm better!
I heart cream soda! (but it's not any good while you're sick).
Well, pray that I feel better.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
I really enjoy living in Cheraw, but I realize how out numbered I am here and how I don't belong. Although, everyone here has done more enough to help be become the girl I am. Thank you so much!
A bunch of people came to my house today for a cookout. Well, just the Whites and Hatchers only really. It was fun. The adults stayed inside most of the time and just had a bit if talking time and Andrew, Jonathan, Collin, Katie, Bradley, and I sat outside and swam. Well, actually Andrew and I didn't swim. But while everyone else was we sat on my moveable hammock and even though Collin and Jonathan tried to splash us, it was like a force field and we didn't get wet until Andrew said something about it! It was fun and my mom was like we need to do it again sometime, but here come all these band competitions and fall. Hard times to find times to do things like that. It was nice though.
Lindsay, Alyssa, and Erin might be coming to Cheraw next weekend. That will be great to see them again. They make me smile.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
My left middle finger hurts because I've been writing so blasted much today. I had so much homework and my notes for my reading in American Government are not what they should be.
I had so much to say earlier when I tried to post twice, but for some reason or another Blogger was down. I don't have much to say now.
School is okay. Not as good as I thought it would be, but I don't hate it. Well, sometimes I do. Like in the mornings during Spanish when David and I are discussing how much we hate school because so far our day has not been that great. Although, it only goes uphill from there.
Eight months and a day. That's a pretty long time. It's also how long Andrew and I have been dating. He is one astounding son of the Lord. What a blessing I have been given!
Band is going well. Now I realize I'm not quite ready for concert band yet. Bring on the competitions and the rest of the football games! I'm glad we're moving on to Movement 2 for a little while though; it's slower than 1. The only bad thing is we're getting changes in our music everyday and I am already having a time trying to get it memorized!
We had a FCA meeting today. That went pretty well. Chloe told me she really enjoyed it, which was pretty cool. Not that I don't think she would have...anyway. I can't wait until the PowderPuff Football game, even though I usually don't have any idea what I'm doing out there.
I've been so busy with school, homework, FCA and Interact meetings, and band practice that my Daddy time gets lost and shortened. I hate it. I want to know Him so much more. Even so, I have learned a lot from Him lately. I've discovered I can connect more with a Christian than I've ever been able to before. Just knowing that a person is a Christian makes me feel that much closer to them and gives us something amazing to talk about. I have learned to rely on Him more lately too, even though I have so much more relying to give Him.
Mark 4:26-29. Now that you've read a bunch about what I'm up to. Tell me what God is up to in your life (that means leave me a comment, silly)! Listen to your "donkeys" and go discover what he has in store for you today. GO!
Saturday, August 20, 2005
not so weary now
Thank you for bringing it up, hair twirler!
Thank you guys for letting me know you read my blog. Feel free to ever post any comments and just know I really enjoyed that encouragement. I mean who doesn't like comments?!? ;-)
School is pretty good. I like most of everything. Spanish in the morning has got to be one of the longest classes ever. Probably because it's first thing in the morning and I know I get to go to band next. I'm ready for concert band, but I've got a while to wait. The first football game was last night. It was pretty fun even though we lost. Our band shirts this year are pretty much the corniest things ever. It'll be okay though.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
Monday, August 15, 2005
falling out (rk)
Have a glorious day!
I really don't have a whole lot to say, but I really feel like letting some stuff out.
I'm really confident in my school stuff right now, probably way tooooo confident considering that paper I turned into American Government today...that was not that great. School was really good today though. Spanish was a little confusing, but that was the most annoying part. In band the rest of the clarinets and I all had a great tone and projection. Mrs. Lyall's, I mean, Mrs. White's class was good, I'm actually understanding everything in there. In Coach Alford's class we just worked out of the book. Well, I guess really, I'm just getting my hopes up too much. It is only the third day of school.
Family stuff is nice. Bradley and I argue as much as ever, but not as much and not over as big things. There's a better bondage being built, not that we were broken, but it's been nice.
The only thing I miss right now is my Father. I haven't been the daughter I should be. I feel like I've been missing out and I haven't been time giving or thankful enough.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
cause there's just too many scenarios
to analyze, look in my eyes
cause you're my dream please come true.
I was thinking, overthinking
about exactly how I'm not exactly him
I'll break my heart in two more times than you could ever do
cause you're my dream please come true.
cause I think way too much on a one track mind
and you're so out of touch cause I'm so far behind
I can't deny this anymore, the facts ignored all done before
and if there's one in this world, you let me know you're not that girl.
I was sinking, lower sinking
cause I lost the things I held on to
they let me think a thought a thought a thought that I would
know was not
of seeing my dreams come true
I was thinking, overthinking
about how far I had let this go
one more guy/girl cliche I know now you're just in the way
of me and my dream come true.
cause I think way too much on a one track mind
and you're so out of touch cause I'm so far behind
I'm trying to make sense out of all of this
while you're fading scent just slips through my grip
I can't deny this anymore, the facts ignored all done before
and if there's one in this world, you'll let me know you're not
that girl.
don't touch the positive with the negative end
don't touch the positive with the negative end
cause after all the sparks you're left alone in the dark
cause after all the sparks you're left alone in the dark
and while I'm able, I think I'll label
experience with you as a mistake
and while I'm at it, I'll say I've had it
experience with you is a mistake
cause I think way too much on a one track mind
and you're so out of touch cause I'm so far behind
I'm trying to make sense out of all of this
while you're fading scent just slips through my grip
I was thinking, over thinking
cause there's just too many scenarios
to think about to figure out
if you're my dream please come true" ~Relient K
I really am an overthinker. And it is a terrible thing because it put so many worrisome thoughts in my head, and worrying stresses me out and I already have that paper to stress over.
Church tonight was good though. I miss my mission trip children, and all those good relationships back then, even though it wasn't that long ago. I never thought I would miss it, but I actually even miss my ride home with all the boys, even though I got sick. God is astounding and I wish I knew Him soo much more. I hope I have some good ol' time tomorrow on the hammock with God. I need to have a talk with him. I'm basically done with my paper, I might actually go now.
"Chez cream" what interesting stuff...
"WHOA! What the HECK is going on!?!?" ~Me making fun of the Jump 5 video
"Where are you from, the ghetto? You're hair is so cool." ~The story about Will and the woman at Pizza Lane
Oh man, I had a wonderful time in Sumter spending the night with Nicole, Hailey, and Kendra. We had an absolutely hilarious time! And we laughed so much my throat started hurting. Well, the rest of Sumter was pretty "grand". Collin and I jumped in the pool with our clothes on and later Andrew, Kevin, Collin, Erin, Elizabeth and I all went swimming. We rode the four wheelers as usual and it was pretty fun. I didn't work on my paper for Coach Alford though, so that's what I'm off to do.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
1st Semester
1st block, Spanish 1-Tuza
2nd block, Band-Pruitt
3rd block, Honors Geometry-White
4th block, Honors American Government and Economics-Alford 2nd Semester
1st block, Band-Pruitt
2nd block, Honors Biology 1-Evans
3rd block, Honors English 2-Trusky
4th block, Honors Algebra 2-Sweeney
Quiet time

"Man does not live on bread alone,but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4
"How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand
When I awake,
I am still with you." Psalm 139:17-18
"Speak, [Lord,] for you servant is listening." 1 Samuel 3:10
God used an unpestering Donkey to get my attention to read His beautiful word. Thank you Nicole. Thank you God, for tugging gently upon my heart today. I love You!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
i feel like my calm music i don't know the words to..
I get my schedule tomorrow, and if i have the energy tomorrow I'll post it on here. Until then, I'm going to get some sleep. or just sit around my room.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
summer birthday parties
Life has been slow the past few days. Band practice and hanging out with Andrew, Kevin, and Collin, and whoever else. They've been good last days of summer though, even though I've still got to finish that book for Mr. Trusky.
I ordered my iPod today. It's pretty exciting even though I don't listen to a WHOLE lot of music. I never got anything for my birthday other than a straightener, which is more than most people get, but honestly, I'm still selfishly excited, and realize I shouldn't be...
Well, I'm meeting Kevin and Collin at Coles tomorrow for breakfast, seeing as Andrew's gone shark hunting. I better get some sleep.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Mission Trip pictures are finally here!

This masterpiece to the above is Banks, Katlyn, and I at some restaurant at the Pier. This really is the best picture I have us all of us. In the others Banks is rubbing his head because I "slapped" him on the side of it so he would look at Mrs. Sandy who was taking the picture.

Oh my, I know Kyle had a quite delightful time riding with Beka, Jamie, and me to Tampa. ;-D How I miss that crazy kid! I know I drove him up the wall and back again, but by the end of the week I actually got half hearted hugs from the guy. I can't wait for him to come back to visit his cousin, David, next summer.

There's Taylor Fisher, David, and Kyle hanging out on the man made beach in front of the bridge we had to cross every day to get to Wimama. That was a nice evening. Kids running around playing Slice, sitting on the beach, finding shells with holes in them to make necklaces out of, and the little sign language lesson with Tom.

Whoa! Us kids are looking a little rough. But we were hanging out on a beach, so yeah. I don't know who was taking that picture, but they could have waited until I was done running my mouth. ;-D

Here's a picture of Beka and Anna Grace before the wind got to their hair. Getting ready to go hang out was always a great way to bond with some of the younger youth I didn't know that well like Georgia, M Squared, Kate, and all those kids.

Katlyn might send me a few more pictures of us on the VBS site. I know I only have two picutres of the kids there, but we stayed so busy we didn't really have time to give our attention to the cameras and such. Having them in my memories are so much better than just seeing them in pictures and not knowing the real children.
"...Incomparable, unchangeable
You see the depths of my heart and
You love me the same
You are amazing God"
~Chris Tomlin