I need to be so much closer to Him!
Monday, September 26, 2005
lemongrass sage
Sunday, September 25, 2005
this weekend
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
"nothing really matters"
I hope i have. This hurts me, i can't imagine how much it hurts Andrew.
My toe is messed up again. Probably no marching for me tomorrow.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Sunday afternoon
I hate the fact that I have the terrible habit of biting my nails. Sometimes I wish I had pretty nails and I let them grow for a week, see how pretty the white tips are and then I bite them off again.
I'm really tired this Sunday afternoon. I've gotten to where I always take a nap on Sunday afternoon, I used to never take them. I guess school is wearing me out. Well, at least it stops me from biting my nails for a little while.
Faith and Deeds
But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds."
Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do." -James 2:14-18
I need to act so much more on my faith. Andrew and I were talking about people like this tonight. Oh how I want everything I do to surround God and His beautiful, righteous self.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
You Passed the US Citizenship Test |
Look what I've learned in Coach Alford's class this year! I could have never made a 9 out of 10 before that.
Today was nice. Happy Birthday Shelly.
hahaha! I used spell check on this post and it tried to correct Alford with Alfredo. That's pretty funny. I hope Andrew, Kevin, and Collin will come to early service tomorrow. I think they would really enjoy it.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
a hug from God
I'm honestly so happy right now, that I want to cry.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
lost for words
Just pray for that Stanton family. They're all going through so much. I love them.
I am in one of my crying moods. I will probably go listen to some music, pray, read, and cry in just a few minutes. So much is going through my head, but I don't know how to say it all...
and i've stumbled across a lost for words.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
S.A.L.T. Retreat
We played that team building game where you stand in a circle and grab the hands of people who aren't beside you and make a huge knot. Then we had to try to get out of it. Oh my, I've seen more of Collin's butt then I have ever wanted to see in my lifetime. But it was really fun, even though we didn't get out of the knot after an hour of working at it.
Chilling at David's house this afternoon was really fun. We played Mafia about a hundred times and I almost won BS. Mafia is pretty fun, Richard is pretty much obessed with it. Speaking of Richard, unlike me last year there are a whole lot of new people on S.A.L.T. this year. Aly, Hallie (that gets pretty confusing), Collin, Richard, Kayla, and Lynsee are all new. But Aly, Hallie, Collin, and Richard were the only new people that went on the retreat.
So anyway, the past two days were over all really fun, and I pray that everything that this group does this year will glorify God's astounding name.
Oh yeah, my girls on the signing thing are performing tomorrow morning! We're going to be signing How Great is Our God. I really need to go practice, so I'm out for now.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
i can't think of one for this post

you go to the bandroom just to hang out way after school or band practice hours to talk about music and make up political cartoons about the band.
This week has been nice (and thankfully short).
I've fallen behind in so many things and oh how I need to rely on God so much more. But I can only rely on Him if I really know Him, and right now I haven't had that in order. There's so much I need to do. The S.A.L.T. retreat is tomorrow until Saturday, pray that I will grow with other leaders through this.
I highly recommend the new Audio Adrenaline CD, Until my Heart Caves In. That's good stuff for your spirit.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
a year
I sure wish gas prices weren't so high. They cause far too many arguments.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Football Game

This one's of Dorterra, Alex, and Asiah just standing around waiting to play the next song.

--->There's Majik, our drum major, directing some stand song. I love Majik, he's so great! :-D Wow, time out. I just thought about how all of these past three pictures have been of seniors. Wow, I'm going to miss these crazy characters next year! The class of 2006 is probably my favorite. It's going to be hard to let them leave us. Of course, they could all pull off a John Roberts and stay around for the next four years. No objection here.

Well, Kevin's not real smart. I wonder if his mouth hurt this morning from playing and just having his wisdom teeth cut out. That's him on the far left with the rest of his "Mr. Perfect" first trumpets, David and Collin. Trumpets...

--->In this picture Chloe is trying to show me her cousin, Alex, that had to come to Cheraw from Louisiana because of Katrina. It took me forever to finally spot him. Kate is just being too cool to pay us any attention. And finally there's a bunch of us standing around waiting for Mr. Pruitt to let us know when to play the Warpath to let in the football players.

Well, there's not much to do today. And I'm one of few words. I'm tired, but not tired enough to go to sleep. I might go wash the cars...maybe not.