Monday, October 24, 2005
Well, I haven't posted about a normal day in a while so I decided it would be alright. This morning in Spanish I got my pictures back. They're pretty good, but I look like a little kid. Well, not really a little kid, just a bit younger than I am. Anyway, so I don't remember much else from school, but this afternoon marching practice was so blasted COLD!!! It was fun though. Mr. Pruitt gave us a break because the saxophones were slacking off and he was tired of it. Although, personally I think it was because he didn't have his coat on and wanted to get inside and get it. There were those few of us unintelligent folks who decided not to take a break inside, but rather stand out on the field and huddle together. I honestly don't know why but, Dorterra, Andrew, Vannessa, Kate, Chloe, and I stood around huddled together trying to get warmer. Then after practice Collin had a hair appointment with my mom seeing as he lost the bet about if we got better than 3rd place at Lower State he would cut his hair. And Collin's hair is pretty long so...well, we had everyone surround the front of the room and watch as my mom, Mrs. Lois, and Mr. Pruitt cut his hair. I felt so bad while they were doing it. Collin looked like he was about to cry! Anyway, turns out he sorta likes it, so that's good. Then we had an INTERACT meeting and that was a lot of fun. Mr. Webb gave us a magic show and it was pretty awesome except for the smart people figuring out how he did some of his tricks. It was our whole Halloween thing and most everyone dressed up except for Brittany Hooks, Ebony, Rob, Rebeka, a few other people, and me. Either way the whole parade with everyone dressed up was pretty fun. Bryce and Davidson, Samuel and his Poo (Nancy), Chloe, and Meagan all won $10 a piece. Bryce and Davidson were the Williams sisters (the tennis girls), Samuel and Nancy were Aladdin and Jasmine, Chloe was "white trash", and Meagan was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Andrew stuffed his left pocket with candy so he could eat it in AP Calculus tomorrow. It might be gone by tomorrow if Jonathan finds out about it. Well, that was random seeing as I hardly ever post about my days, but it was pretty good.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005
I keep thinking about how small I am and it gives me confidence where God has me. Out of all the schools to go to, all the circumstances there are, and all the people to know, God has given me these just for me! And I love it! It's insanely wonderful and it makes me very warm inside. I love the people I know, and I am comfortable with the person I am. This is a magnificent feeling!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Well, most everyone knows what my magificent surprise from Andrew was! NICOLE SPENT THE WEEKEND WITH ME!!! It was so fun. Many stories, and I would tell them, but I know that most of you Cheravians could care less. Anyway, so that was a ton of fun!
This is cracking me up!! A ton of kids (yes, I can actually call them kids because they are all younger than me) in the grade below me are obsessed with KEVIN! Not that I'm surprised at that fact, it's just weird that all of a sudden random comments on other people's xangas are about Kevin and how hot he is. Who really knows him like that? Andrew! And that's about it. Oh and another girl is talking about Majik all the time, this is funny. I mean, both of them are very nice guys, I just wish that these people would take the time to get to know the real Kevin.
I haven't had much to say lately on my blog. I don't plan to get rid of it any time soon, but I guess I've just been swung out of the circle of things. Anyway, I still love comments ;-).
This is cracking me up!! A ton of kids (yes, I can actually call them kids because they are all younger than me) in the grade below me are obsessed with KEVIN! Not that I'm surprised at that fact, it's just weird that all of a sudden random comments on other people's xangas are about Kevin and how hot he is. Who really knows him like that? Andrew! And that's about it. Oh and another girl is talking about Majik all the time, this is funny. I mean, both of them are very nice guys, I just wish that these people would take the time to get to know the real Kevin.
I haven't had much to say lately on my blog. I don't plan to get rid of it any time soon, but I guess I've just been swung out of the circle of things. Anyway, I still love comments ;-).
Monday, October 10, 2005
You know that whole timeless question of "who doesn't like surprises?!"
Well, the answer is me. I don't like surprises, I dispise being sung Happy Birthday to, and dread opening presents. I am weird..I guess. The only time I like getting surprises is on Christmas morning because none of my stuff is wrapped so I get the liberty of allowing myself to pick over the things I don't want to focus on and sit the floor of my living room opening boxes and that sort of thing. I guess that's sort of bad, but Andrew, my mom, and I were talking about me not liking surprises...I don't.
Well, the answer is me. I don't like surprises, I dispise being sung Happy Birthday to, and dread opening presents. I am weird..I guess. The only time I like getting surprises is on Christmas morning because none of my stuff is wrapped so I get the liberty of allowing myself to pick over the things I don't want to focus on and sit the floor of my living room opening boxes and that sort of thing. I guess that's sort of bad, but Andrew, my mom, and I were talking about me not liking surprises...I don't.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Proverbs 16:9
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determinds his steps."
I sit and wonder what in the world He has in store for me. College seems so far off, but it has been on my mind so much lately. And what is beyond that?
Thursday, October 06, 2005
People vs. God
"I, too, sometimes get all wrapped up in doing things for and with people, when God wants me to spend time with Him." ~Heather from Point of Grace
This is me, completly. I get so into spending time with people and talking to them that I often forget how much God wants me to spend time with Him. He did a wonderful job displaying that to me tonight. Normally on a Thursday night I would have gone out to eat or hung out with Andrew, but tonight I didn't. And I didn't have much homework so I got a wonderful opportunity for God to tug on my heart and let me realize how badly I needed a good talk with Him.
"For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of the light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord." ~Ephesians 5:8-10
Ask him what pleases him what pleases Him. I need a bit more time with Him..I'm off.
This is me, completly. I get so into spending time with people and talking to them that I often forget how much God wants me to spend time with Him. He did a wonderful job displaying that to me tonight. Normally on a Thursday night I would have gone out to eat or hung out with Andrew, but tonight I didn't. And I didn't have much homework so I got a wonderful opportunity for God to tug on my heart and let me realize how badly I needed a good talk with Him.
"For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of the light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord." ~Ephesians 5:8-10
Ask him what pleases him what pleases Him. I need a bit more time with Him..I'm off.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
the world in Cheraw
This world is becoming closer to home then ever. You hear about teenagers going around crazy---living with each other, sleeping with each other, and gay people walking around my town, but suddenly here in Cheraw we have those types of things going on. I guess they were actually always there, I was just in my own sheltered world protected by God and now I can understand and be astounded by the worldly people. Pray for people everywhere. I realize how far down the wrong road we've gone and there is so much I need to do. I need to be a good influence on these people and speak up for what I know is right. And I know how hard that is, but I cannot be quiet for my opinions any more.
"Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of God."Galatians 1:10
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is---His good, pleasing, and perfect will." Romans 12:2
Pray for the teenagers of Cheraw...everywhere..
Monday, October 03, 2005
i'm feeling rather random!

It is always extremely cold in the bandroom...we're all going to get sick.
yay for October! It's a new month!
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