“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him. 1 John 5:14-15
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him. 1 John 5:14-15
you know, you don't really think about small details like ringing the bell, unless you are at camp. But we talked about ringing the bell and it almost made me cry because I could hear it ring in my ears. I can't wait to be back!
how i love those ballets and the dinner/snack/dessert afterwards with some of my favorite loves from Sumter. I love those girls, and the few guys i know. I certainly am thankful for their hearts that serve the Lord completely. How inspiring!
It was great to actually see Andrew and his skinny (yes, you are skinny!) self, instead of only talking to him on the phone. He challenges me.
So i really need to start driving around town so i will be able to drive to Sumter by myself. Oh how i will hardly ever be home!
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be fulfilled." Matthew 5:6
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."
Psalm 19:14
some of those class members have disappointed me, but there are a few that i absolutly love. those that strive to be their best for the Lord are my favorites.
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strenth." Mark 12:30
my tears piled on the thin line below my eyes making it practically impossible to read. but slowly they fell and i felt them in my pores, in my heart. i loved this book. yes, you could say that i want to be able to write just like Sue Monk Kidd, but that doesn't always seem to work out.
"Not just to love---but to persist in love."
-The Secret Life of Bees
it's good to know that He wants to encourage me. and too spend time with me. that's pretty exciting!
"You hear, O LORD, the desires of the afflicted; you encourage them and listen to their cry." Psalm 10:17
surprisingly, this sentence reminded me of coming home from camp. the hour and a half trip back to cheraw that brings dampness to my eyes, especially after spending over a month there. the in-between time brings a terrible sadness because there is nothing to do but sit in your car and reminisce about everything that has happened since the beginning of your time at camp and how quickly it has come to an end. there is nothing to distract you from your thoughts of this wonderful place and the anticipation that exist until your returning. this sadness is hard to express to a car of busy people longing to see you while you try to handle a heart longing for this place of enchantment.
"For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent and live!"
But this weekend certainly was a lot of fun! We had our first Bible Bowl competition this weekend. The dancing donkeys (david, leah, and grace) did really well for a group of all beginniners, winning four out of nine rounds. The singing sheep (shari and i) won seven out of nine. we also got most Christ-like team, which was pretty exhilarating! i spent the whole weekend with shari and after we got home from Concord david, shari, mrs. ruth, and i all watched moulin rouge. well, really they watched it, but i slept through most of it because Shari and i went to be really late and we had to get up at 5:30 in the morning to get ready to leave for our competition by 6:30!
but today was really nice. especially getting a chance to hang out with samuel, david, and shari playing star wars monopoly while watching star wars episode II. i don't know how we exactly got on the star wars kick. but it was fun getting to spend some time with the three of them.
but i do wish that i had gotten to spend some more time with anna grace since she was home this weekend.
I cried at church tonight. I found myself completely broken for the world and it's love for sin. I just sat down on the floor and cried.
"Do not make a covenant with them or with their gods. Do not let them live in your land, or they will cause you to sin against me, because the worship of their gods will certainly be a snare to you." Exodus 23:32-33
"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now." Philipians 1:3-6
Right before the awards ceremony there was a little girl probably younger than five dancing near the goal post. I'm guessing she was imagining herself as a girl in color guard dancing and doing flips even though her attempts ended with her landing on her head. But she still got up and continued to dance in front of all the people sitting in the stands awaiting the results.
It was beautiful. This picture of how we are called to be: completely willing to make fools of ourselves to the world's standards. Of course, this act of silliness is accepted when we are children, but as we grow into adults, our peers begin to judge and see right only as what is in magazines and on television. As children of God we are called to be like the little girl. Simply to step out and just perform and act for Him. No matter how horridly we may fall or fail, we have to get back up and keep dancing. As long as we seek to please our God we will never be abandoned. We must look toward the Lord to guide us and for a constant reminder that we are to glorify him through dancing for him in our daily lives.
"Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with tambourine and harp. For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation." Pslam 149:3-4
Tomorrow=Irmo (my favorite competition!) yessssss!
Pray for safe travel for everyone!
this weekend was pretty fabulous. I got to see a good many camp people, although it will not begin to make up for the lack of Hobo next weekend.
"Charm can fool you, and beauty can trick you, but a woman who respects the Lord should be praise" Proverbs 31:30
I'm pretty exhilarated! :-D
you know, since we have been youngesters in Sunday School we have been taught that we have a God shaped hole in our hearts that only he can fill. So many times we try to fill that space up with relationships or material things, but it never ever works out because He is the only thing that can fill that emptiness in our lives.
Well, how amazing is it to think that God has a Stephanie shaped hole is His heart that only I can fill? Someone can try to fill up my space, but the Lord yearns for a relationship with ME!
I think I will call someone I love. .
I had a dream last night and Hilary was in it. . that's probably why I missed her and camp so much today, especially my girls. I'm ready to go home.
thanks for the chill music, andrew.
Caroline asking Andrew about his return to camp this summer: "when are you coming home?"
"well im gettin my life straight with god slowly but i am and everyday i get more and more over dani"
Praise the good Lord above! I was so glad to hear from Justin today! Especially news that blessed me so much! I'm so glad that he desires a relationship with the Lord!
Romans 5:1-5
Kate and me. She has been my third roomie at band camp. I've never had the same one. Oh how we both missed Chloe like CRAZY! Band just isn't quite the same. And the two of us acting REDICULOUS during sectionals. . . and people wonder why we don't have those runs down. actually the two of us have most of them.
My favorite twin acting goofy while wearing. . somebody's sunglasses. .? I'm not sure if they're big enough to be dana's.
See that little red dot? Well, that's a gummie bear stuck about twenty feet up on a wall at Francis Marion University. They were going to see if it would stick to the ceiling, but the wall worked.
Band camp was pretty fun. . but it was different from any other year. I can't really pinpoint why, but it was. Maybe it was simply because I was a junior. .
Stephanie Moore
c/o Ambassador Camp
P.O. Box 200
Lake Waccamaw NC, 28450
And if you don't won't to send it on your own then a few of you guys get together and send me one. Of course, I don't expect too much from this, but it would be nice. Send me a letter because getting a letter at Ambassador Camp is like getting extra dessert!
i love that to God I am absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to be that way to a Godly man. but until then I'll pray for him.
Life has been crazy, but i can see a line between the world and what God wants for me. Of course, I know what is right, but I want to study it more than I have lately.
I only have one more blasted day of school left!
That's pretty much it other than the fact that I'm breaking out again and I'm going to the dermatologist Friday.
I just sort of realized that I do like random phone calls. I used to not like them that much, but they make me smile. ;-D To think that people call to talk to me, just to me. They can't ask for anyone else or just leave me to talk to anyone else because the only person around is me. They make me feel good.
I should have gone running today, instead I took a nap. Now I feel gross. . . and like I wasted all afternoon.
And since I'm not doing much I think I shall go outside. Have a quiet time. Just get my Sara Bailey chance to breathe. . in the evening.
Don't go against what you know is right and what you know is God's will. Forcing something isn't a good thing. You miss out on so much peace, and oh how wonderful peace is! Go read Romans 5:1-5, maybe you'll get what I'm saying if you don't already.
Oh yes, so prom was absolutely lovely and I really had a GREAT time. I actually danced this year, and I think that if Andrew and I had stayed a bit longer I would have danced a good bit more. But Andrew seemed rather tired, and there would be no point without someone to dance with..well, actually there would I guess, just to have fun, but anyway. Here are a few pictures, but there are none of us actually at prom.
This is probably one of "my" favorite tasks of prom..just kidding, I really am no good at pinning the this thing. . ."Mom!"
Most everyone that was out at Blair's grandparents house, minus a few: from back left to right bottom: Braden, Andrew, Bryce, Duralle, Ronnie, Richie, Davidson, Landon, Kris, Justin, Blair, Elizabeth, Regina, Andria, Cory, Megan, me, Madeline, and Angel!
Yesterday was a good and funny day!
well, i got my first set of stitches over spring break. Ask me about it next time you see me if you want to hear the story.
Oh, and I found my prom dress. It's a fantastic shade of green. Well, actually there are many many shades of green (and a little blue).
I also finished the fifth Harry Potter book and have now moved on to the sixth.
I think I will go read that now and then get ready for bed.
This morning I read in Isaiah that "...tongues of fire lick up straw..." it gave me an interesting mental picture.
"And they were calling to one another:
Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty;
the whole earth is full of his glory"
-Isaiah 6:3
I'm pretty sure i subconsciously stole Lindsay's sometimes formant of her xanga for my posts..
"and today i'll trust you with a confidence of a man who's never known defeat,
but tomorrow upon hearing what I did, i will stare at you in disbelief..
Oh inconsistant me
Crying out for consistancy...
remember the end will justify, the pain it took to get us there."
-Relient K
"Do not be in a hurry to leave the king's presence.."
Ecclesiastes 8:3
Pray for my daddy. He's in Mexico..and there's no set date for his return.
I had a wonderful time!
Today Andrew, Lindsay, Alyssa, Latete, Rebekah Richardson, Ronnie, Brett and I all went out to Swan Lake, one of my favorite places in Sumter. It's so pretty, and I love the Love Tree. Lindsay took a lot of pictures and there might be some tomorrow, but no promises at the moment. It was just a beautiful day.
The homeschoolers had their prom Friday night and Alyssa and Erin looked beautiful!
Lindsay and I got some chatting time in this morning. It was nice. Wow, that seems like such a long time ago and tomorrow starts early. It's time for bed.
the way you wear your hat
the way you sip your tea
the memory of all that
oh not they can't take that away from me
the way your smile just beams
the way you sing off key
the way you haunt my dreams
oh no they can't take that away from me...
i will always hold the memory of
they way you hold your knife
the way we danced until three
the way you changed my LIFE..."
LOL frank sinatra! happy anniversery!!! Love you" -Latete (Nicole)
So I basically love Nicole. And I'm so blessed that I know her! I cannot believe I've known her for a year.
I called her, actually Andrew did, Erin, and Alyssa to let them know we've known each other for a year and how great it is to know them!
The four of us really must be the oddest people at the high school, but I love it. How many people can talk about their relationship with Christ in one of their front yards and just enjoy themselves? I love those boys!
I love you LORD!
"So I prayed, Oh dear LORD, Feel me up, make me whole.." -Relient K
Go read Colossians 3:2-10 and renew yourself.
Please continue to not only pray for Mrs. Reta Smith, but also for her family, especially her husband and little Garrett. I don't know how they're going through this.
I hope Andrew and I get to go to Sumter this weekend..
I want to be the girl that sang this song and showed that love I have for Him with everyone. I want to be like Him and never change from that girl that He shines through! I have to be that girl again first.
"How could you be so good to me?!" ~David Crowder Band
"Over coming these obstacles is over coming my fears. Never under estimate my Jesus. You're telling me that there's no hope, I'm telling you, you're wrong!..." Relient K
"I AM FREE! I am free to run! I am free to dance! I am free to live for you! I am free!" Acquire the Fire CD
You know, I really am free to live for Him, to worship His greatness and not be told by the government not to, I should exercise this like I know it. Right now it seems to be a useless freedom. "How great is our God?"
I want to be the loud mouth who was loud because she was bursting with love from her Jesus! I NEED TO BE
I don't think I am the only person that's having emotional problems right now.
Often I've found myself wishing I had the assurance I have with God in all my relationships. Not that people are letting me down necessarily, I just don't feel confident in them. I know God will always be there for me and I have absolute assurance he will never leave me. I mean, come on, he's already died for every sin I have and will ever do, why would he abandon me now? Christ is so amazing!
I've had a hard time with so much lately. Pray for me.
I love Mrs. Lyall White! <3
"...Convince me, because I really need your help. Oh convince me, because I can't see this for myself..."
That reminds me of one of my old, immature posts, but I don't think that's really an awful thing..
"The LORD appeared to Abram and said, "To your offspring I will give this land." So he built an altar there to the LORD, who had appeared to him." Genesis 12:7
"Adapt--willingly. Just because I know I can does not mean I WILL!!"~Me
I wrote this today thinking about those things I learned about myself from that leadership thing. Yeah, sure I act willing, but it's one of those masks I have.
I posted this awful picture of me and two beautiful girls of God's creation (Alma and Anna) because I've been thinking about going on a mission trip lately. Probably because Andrew's had his Global Expeditions magazine out the other day. If I did go I would probably go to Guatemala, Costa Rica, or Peru. Most likely in that order. I don't know if that is what God has in store for me this summer though. I have gotten soooooo slack!!
I'm stressed out and don't realize it..I guess that a huge contradiction seeing as I just stated it, but I think I just really admitted it. Pray for me! Leave comments so I will know how you need me to pray for you!!!
That was a very open post. :-D
Erin, Alyssa, and me before the trip to Walmart and the "copper blast". Oh yeah, Alyssa flipped my hair out like that too. I love those girls! I love the girl taking that picture too ;-)!Andrew, Jonathan, and me waiting for the blast to take effect! They tried to get a little bit of their hair orange too. I think their hair is too dark, though. You can only see the tiniest bit on the tips of a bit of Andrew's hair.
And finally, the new hair color after a fabulous styling job by Andrew and Alyssa! You can't see it super well, but it sure is a good bit darker! Oh yeah, it's supposed to come out after 8-10 shampoos, but my mom thinks it will stay in longer.
This weekend was a lot of fun, but I've got the rest of today and ALL tomorrow to have even more fun. Oh yeah, Alyssa, Erin, Andrew, and I took "Seventh Heaven" pictures...if they turn out well, there will be more to come!
I pretty much really would totally LOVE to go to Ambassador Camp this summer. I am just about sickly jealous of Andrew and all his beautiful camp friends.
I absouletly love listening to Austin Crane and his band.