Saturday, December 31, 2005
One thing I do know about myself is that currently I am very tired from all this going and coming and I am going to go chill for a little while.
Pray for me as I pray about going to a mission trip this summer.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
1 year
I can't either. Thank you, Daddy!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Good songs have rain or water in them.
Okay, that's not really that many, but those are some really good songs and I guess because I listen to songs like that on repeat it seems like more. I like Rain.
"..I need you here tonight just like the ocean needs the waves.." -Mae
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
bullets mostly
Things for me, personally, have been good lately, but Andrew's been really stressed with this whole thing about his parents not supporting him in going to the college he wants to go to! Much praying needs to be done and long talks with God.
Random Things of Today (and the pass few days really)
That's about it for now. I've got blasted economics homework and Lyall mess to finish.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Sunday, December 04, 2005
fall magic..
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
discovering myself
I love traditional relationships! Relationships in which the boy is forward and then as it grows he is still the one to take lead. The girl does not have the boy by a string pulling him to the way she wants, but rather him guiding her into not only a beautiful relationship with him, but one bringing them both closer to their Creator. These take not only our time, but also God's perfect timing. We all have to wait on Him.
but I need Him so much more.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
women of God
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
i don't particularly like coming up with these things..
Economics is HARD and really confusing the mess out of me. I've got to go see Coach Alford early tomorrow morning to see how I'm doing in there.
Other than that, school is alright. I finally got to get out my bass clarinet today in band, which was really nice even though I need to practice. All we do in Spanish now is watch movies and take a quizzes on sports vocabulary. Geometry is alright, but my grade in there could be a whole lot better. I'm scared of next semester. Pruitt, Evans, Trusky, and Sweeney all in one lovely semester. I really need to read that book for Mr. Trusky now that I'm thinking about it...
I need to figure out my major. I know I'm only a sophomore and I will probably change twenty times from anything I ever set, but I need to at least start thinking about colleges. I know how long it will take me to decide where I want to go, and that is why I need to go on and start thinking about it.
I sleep ALL the time now! Seriously, other than school my life consist of going to church, hanging out with Andrew, sleeping, and trying to answer calls when people call me on my cell phone while I'm sleeping. Try it some time, I will sound really weird...I think.
I think I should stop now. I'm just trying to make up things to write now.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Thursday, November 17, 2005

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,
but fools despise wisdom and discipline. Proverbs 1:7
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Monday, November 14, 2005
Psalm 144:8
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I lift up my soul.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
i hope you like dancing in the rain
"I hope you like dancing in the rain
I'll spin you around and pull you back to me
I sure am glad you wore that dress
It reminds me of the night that we first met
Don't you love the evenings in July
When I'm staring at you with my blue eyes
We could be fine
We could be fine, fine, fine..." ~The band from Florence
Thursday, November 10, 2005
"I am bursting with JOY!!! Guess who I get to see at the Casting Crowns concert tonight!!!! HAILEY HODGE AND MEGAN JONES!! I'm so excited about seeing them! :-D"
That's right! I'm really super thrilled about seeing both of them! I could never get enough of their smiling faces!!
And Anna Grace and Chloe are supposed to be spending the night with me Friday and then we're planning to go to the Renaissance Festival! This weekend is going to be fun! And it hasn't even started yet!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
When the Rain Comes
when the night falls you wonder if you shouldn't find some place
to run and hide
escape the pain
but hiding such a lonely thing to do
i can't stop the rain
from falling down on you again
i can't stop the rain
but i will hold you 'til it goes away
when the rain comes you blame it on the things that you have done
when the storm falls you know that rain must fall on everyone
so rest a while
it will be alright
no one loves you like i do
i can't stop the rain
from falling down on you again
i can't stop the rain
but i will hold you
i can't stop the rain
from falling down on you again
i can't stop the rain
but i will hold you 'til to goes away
when the rain comes..
i will hold you
-third day
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Only the girl?
Only the guy?
Or both?
It's been a long past few days. State seems like almost a week ago. Speaking of state, we got 4th! Which is good, but I honestly think that we deserve much better. But we finally broke the 6th streak and we beat the Cheraw Marching Band's record for all time highest at state. It's pretty cool, but I so wish we could have gotten better.
Andrew and Kevin are at it again, but it's not like one of them is leaving out the other. It's Christian morals and the Holy Spirit being a conscience. I hate this! Andrew is disappointed.
Andrew and I have hung out a lot lately. Him, Chloe, and I too..that's a sort of weird group, but it's been a lot of fun. Chloe always makes me laugh.
Anyway, that was pretty random and I'm tired. My brother got Star Wars Episode III today. I might go watch it for a little while.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
This is cracking me up!! A ton of kids (yes, I can actually call them kids because they are all younger than me) in the grade below me are obsessed with KEVIN! Not that I'm surprised at that fact, it's just weird that all of a sudden random comments on other people's xangas are about Kevin and how hot he is. Who really knows him like that? Andrew! And that's about it. Oh and another girl is talking about Majik all the time, this is funny. I mean, both of them are very nice guys, I just wish that these people would take the time to get to know the real Kevin.
I haven't had much to say lately on my blog. I don't plan to get rid of it any time soon, but I guess I've just been swung out of the circle of things. Anyway, I still love comments ;-).
Monday, October 10, 2005
Well, the answer is me. I don't like surprises, I dispise being sung Happy Birthday to, and dread opening presents. I am weird..I guess. The only time I like getting surprises is on Christmas morning because none of my stuff is wrapped so I get the liberty of allowing myself to pick over the things I don't want to focus on and sit the floor of my living room opening boxes and that sort of thing. I guess that's sort of bad, but Andrew, my mom, and I were talking about me not liking surprises...I don't.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Proverbs 16:9
I sit and wonder what in the world He has in store for me. College seems so far off, but it has been on my mind so much lately. And what is beyond that?
Thursday, October 06, 2005
People vs. God
This is me, completly. I get so into spending time with people and talking to them that I often forget how much God wants me to spend time with Him. He did a wonderful job displaying that to me tonight. Normally on a Thursday night I would have gone out to eat or hung out with Andrew, but tonight I didn't. And I didn't have much homework so I got a wonderful opportunity for God to tug on my heart and let me realize how badly I needed a good talk with Him.
"For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of the light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord." ~Ephesians 5:8-10
Ask him what pleases him what pleases Him. I need a bit more time with Him..I'm off.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
the world in Cheraw
"Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of God."Galatians 1:10
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is---His good, pleasing, and perfect will." Romans 12:2
Pray for the teenagers of Cheraw...everywhere..
Monday, October 03, 2005
i'm feeling rather random!

It is always extremely cold in the bandroom...we're all going to get sick.
yay for October! It's a new month!
Monday, September 26, 2005
lemongrass sage
I need to be so much closer to Him!
Sunday, September 25, 2005
this weekend
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
"nothing really matters"
I hope i have. This hurts me, i can't imagine how much it hurts Andrew.
My toe is messed up again. Probably no marching for me tomorrow.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Sunday afternoon
I hate the fact that I have the terrible habit of biting my nails. Sometimes I wish I had pretty nails and I let them grow for a week, see how pretty the white tips are and then I bite them off again.
I'm really tired this Sunday afternoon. I've gotten to where I always take a nap on Sunday afternoon, I used to never take them. I guess school is wearing me out. Well, at least it stops me from biting my nails for a little while.
Faith and Deeds
But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds."
Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do." -James 2:14-18
I need to act so much more on my faith. Andrew and I were talking about people like this tonight. Oh how I want everything I do to surround God and His beautiful, righteous self.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
You Passed the US Citizenship Test |
Look what I've learned in Coach Alford's class this year! I could have never made a 9 out of 10 before that.
Today was nice. Happy Birthday Shelly.
hahaha! I used spell check on this post and it tried to correct Alford with Alfredo. That's pretty funny. I hope Andrew, Kevin, and Collin will come to early service tomorrow. I think they would really enjoy it.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
a hug from God
I'm honestly so happy right now, that I want to cry.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
lost for words
Just pray for that Stanton family. They're all going through so much. I love them.
I am in one of my crying moods. I will probably go listen to some music, pray, read, and cry in just a few minutes. So much is going through my head, but I don't know how to say it all...
and i've stumbled across a lost for words.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
S.A.L.T. Retreat
We played that team building game where you stand in a circle and grab the hands of people who aren't beside you and make a huge knot. Then we had to try to get out of it. Oh my, I've seen more of Collin's butt then I have ever wanted to see in my lifetime. But it was really fun, even though we didn't get out of the knot after an hour of working at it.
Chilling at David's house this afternoon was really fun. We played Mafia about a hundred times and I almost won BS. Mafia is pretty fun, Richard is pretty much obessed with it. Speaking of Richard, unlike me last year there are a whole lot of new people on S.A.L.T. this year. Aly, Hallie (that gets pretty confusing), Collin, Richard, Kayla, and Lynsee are all new. But Aly, Hallie, Collin, and Richard were the only new people that went on the retreat.
So anyway, the past two days were over all really fun, and I pray that everything that this group does this year will glorify God's astounding name.
Oh yeah, my girls on the signing thing are performing tomorrow morning! We're going to be signing How Great is Our God. I really need to go practice, so I'm out for now.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
i can't think of one for this post

you go to the bandroom just to hang out way after school or band practice hours to talk about music and make up political cartoons about the band.
This week has been nice (and thankfully short).
I've fallen behind in so many things and oh how I need to rely on God so much more. But I can only rely on Him if I really know Him, and right now I haven't had that in order. There's so much I need to do. The S.A.L.T. retreat is tomorrow until Saturday, pray that I will grow with other leaders through this.
I highly recommend the new Audio Adrenaline CD, Until my Heart Caves In. That's good stuff for your spirit.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
a year
I sure wish gas prices weren't so high. They cause far too many arguments.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Football Game

This one's of Dorterra, Alex, and Asiah just standing around waiting to play the next song.

--->There's Majik, our drum major, directing some stand song. I love Majik, he's so great! :-D Wow, time out. I just thought about how all of these past three pictures have been of seniors. Wow, I'm going to miss these crazy characters next year! The class of 2006 is probably my favorite. It's going to be hard to let them leave us. Of course, they could all pull off a John Roberts and stay around for the next four years. No objection here.

Well, Kevin's not real smart. I wonder if his mouth hurt this morning from playing and just having his wisdom teeth cut out. That's him on the far left with the rest of his "Mr. Perfect" first trumpets, David and Collin. Trumpets...

--->In this picture Chloe is trying to show me her cousin, Alex, that had to come to Cheraw from Louisiana because of Katrina. It took me forever to finally spot him. Kate is just being too cool to pay us any attention. And finally there's a bunch of us standing around waiting for Mr. Pruitt to let us know when to play the Warpath to let in the football players.

Well, there's not much to do today. And I'm one of few words. I'm tired, but not tired enough to go to sleep. I might go wash the cars...maybe not.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
i hate... [Christmas parties]
So it's official. I HATE being sick! It is only about the WORST feeling ever. Oh how thankful to the Lord I will be when I'm better!
I heart cream soda! (but it's not any good while you're sick).
Well, pray that I feel better.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
I really enjoy living in Cheraw, but I realize how out numbered I am here and how I don't belong. Although, everyone here has done more enough to help be become the girl I am. Thank you so much!
A bunch of people came to my house today for a cookout. Well, just the Whites and Hatchers only really. It was fun. The adults stayed inside most of the time and just had a bit if talking time and Andrew, Jonathan, Collin, Katie, Bradley, and I sat outside and swam. Well, actually Andrew and I didn't swim. But while everyone else was we sat on my moveable hammock and even though Collin and Jonathan tried to splash us, it was like a force field and we didn't get wet until Andrew said something about it! It was fun and my mom was like we need to do it again sometime, but here come all these band competitions and fall. Hard times to find times to do things like that. It was nice though.
Lindsay, Alyssa, and Erin might be coming to Cheraw next weekend. That will be great to see them again. They make me smile.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
My left middle finger hurts because I've been writing so blasted much today. I had so much homework and my notes for my reading in American Government are not what they should be.
I had so much to say earlier when I tried to post twice, but for some reason or another Blogger was down. I don't have much to say now.
School is okay. Not as good as I thought it would be, but I don't hate it. Well, sometimes I do. Like in the mornings during Spanish when David and I are discussing how much we hate school because so far our day has not been that great. Although, it only goes uphill from there.
Eight months and a day. That's a pretty long time. It's also how long Andrew and I have been dating. He is one astounding son of the Lord. What a blessing I have been given!
Band is going well. Now I realize I'm not quite ready for concert band yet. Bring on the competitions and the rest of the football games! I'm glad we're moving on to Movement 2 for a little while though; it's slower than 1. The only bad thing is we're getting changes in our music everyday and I am already having a time trying to get it memorized!
We had a FCA meeting today. That went pretty well. Chloe told me she really enjoyed it, which was pretty cool. Not that I don't think she would have...anyway. I can't wait until the PowderPuff Football game, even though I usually don't have any idea what I'm doing out there.
I've been so busy with school, homework, FCA and Interact meetings, and band practice that my Daddy time gets lost and shortened. I hate it. I want to know Him so much more. Even so, I have learned a lot from Him lately. I've discovered I can connect more with a Christian than I've ever been able to before. Just knowing that a person is a Christian makes me feel that much closer to them and gives us something amazing to talk about. I have learned to rely on Him more lately too, even though I have so much more relying to give Him.
Mark 4:26-29. Now that you've read a bunch about what I'm up to. Tell me what God is up to in your life (that means leave me a comment, silly)! Listen to your "donkeys" and go discover what he has in store for you today. GO!
Saturday, August 20, 2005
not so weary now
Thank you for bringing it up, hair twirler!
Thank you guys for letting me know you read my blog. Feel free to ever post any comments and just know I really enjoyed that encouragement. I mean who doesn't like comments?!? ;-)
School is pretty good. I like most of everything. Spanish in the morning has got to be one of the longest classes ever. Probably because it's first thing in the morning and I know I get to go to band next. I'm ready for concert band, but I've got a while to wait. The first football game was last night. It was pretty fun even though we lost. Our band shirts this year are pretty much the corniest things ever. It'll be okay though.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
Monday, August 15, 2005
falling out (rk)
Have a glorious day!
I really don't have a whole lot to say, but I really feel like letting some stuff out.
I'm really confident in my school stuff right now, probably way tooooo confident considering that paper I turned into American Government today...that was not that great. School was really good today though. Spanish was a little confusing, but that was the most annoying part. In band the rest of the clarinets and I all had a great tone and projection. Mrs. Lyall's, I mean, Mrs. White's class was good, I'm actually understanding everything in there. In Coach Alford's class we just worked out of the book. Well, I guess really, I'm just getting my hopes up too much. It is only the third day of school.
Family stuff is nice. Bradley and I argue as much as ever, but not as much and not over as big things. There's a better bondage being built, not that we were broken, but it's been nice.
The only thing I miss right now is my Father. I haven't been the daughter I should be. I feel like I've been missing out and I haven't been time giving or thankful enough.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
cause there's just too many scenarios
to analyze, look in my eyes
cause you're my dream please come true.
I was thinking, overthinking
about exactly how I'm not exactly him
I'll break my heart in two more times than you could ever do
cause you're my dream please come true.
cause I think way too much on a one track mind
and you're so out of touch cause I'm so far behind
I can't deny this anymore, the facts ignored all done before
and if there's one in this world, you let me know you're not that girl.
I was sinking, lower sinking
cause I lost the things I held on to
they let me think a thought a thought a thought that I would
know was not
of seeing my dreams come true
I was thinking, overthinking
about how far I had let this go
one more guy/girl cliche I know now you're just in the way
of me and my dream come true.
cause I think way too much on a one track mind
and you're so out of touch cause I'm so far behind
I'm trying to make sense out of all of this
while you're fading scent just slips through my grip
I can't deny this anymore, the facts ignored all done before
and if there's one in this world, you'll let me know you're not
that girl.
don't touch the positive with the negative end
don't touch the positive with the negative end
cause after all the sparks you're left alone in the dark
cause after all the sparks you're left alone in the dark
and while I'm able, I think I'll label
experience with you as a mistake
and while I'm at it, I'll say I've had it
experience with you is a mistake
cause I think way too much on a one track mind
and you're so out of touch cause I'm so far behind
I'm trying to make sense out of all of this
while you're fading scent just slips through my grip
I was thinking, over thinking
cause there's just too many scenarios
to think about to figure out
if you're my dream please come true" ~Relient K
I really am an overthinker. And it is a terrible thing because it put so many worrisome thoughts in my head, and worrying stresses me out and I already have that paper to stress over.
Church tonight was good though. I miss my mission trip children, and all those good relationships back then, even though it wasn't that long ago. I never thought I would miss it, but I actually even miss my ride home with all the boys, even though I got sick. God is astounding and I wish I knew Him soo much more. I hope I have some good ol' time tomorrow on the hammock with God. I need to have a talk with him. I'm basically done with my paper, I might actually go now.
"Chez cream" what interesting stuff...
"WHOA! What the HECK is going on!?!?" ~Me making fun of the Jump 5 video
"Where are you from, the ghetto? You're hair is so cool." ~The story about Will and the woman at Pizza Lane
Oh man, I had a wonderful time in Sumter spending the night with Nicole, Hailey, and Kendra. We had an absolutely hilarious time! And we laughed so much my throat started hurting. Well, the rest of Sumter was pretty "grand". Collin and I jumped in the pool with our clothes on and later Andrew, Kevin, Collin, Erin, Elizabeth and I all went swimming. We rode the four wheelers as usual and it was pretty fun. I didn't work on my paper for Coach Alford though, so that's what I'm off to do.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
1st Semester
1st block, Spanish 1-Tuza
2nd block, Band-Pruitt
3rd block, Honors Geometry-White
4th block, Honors American Government and Economics-Alford 2nd Semester
1st block, Band-Pruitt
2nd block, Honors Biology 1-Evans
3rd block, Honors English 2-Trusky
4th block, Honors Algebra 2-Sweeney
Quiet time

"Man does not live on bread alone,but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4
"How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand
When I awake,
I am still with you." Psalm 139:17-18
"Speak, [Lord,] for you servant is listening." 1 Samuel 3:10
God used an unpestering Donkey to get my attention to read His beautiful word. Thank you Nicole. Thank you God, for tugging gently upon my heart today. I love You!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
i feel like my calm music i don't know the words to..
I get my schedule tomorrow, and if i have the energy tomorrow I'll post it on here. Until then, I'm going to get some sleep. or just sit around my room.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
summer birthday parties
Life has been slow the past few days. Band practice and hanging out with Andrew, Kevin, and Collin, and whoever else. They've been good last days of summer though, even though I've still got to finish that book for Mr. Trusky.
I ordered my iPod today. It's pretty exciting even though I don't listen to a WHOLE lot of music. I never got anything for my birthday other than a straightener, which is more than most people get, but honestly, I'm still selfishly excited, and realize I shouldn't be...
Well, I'm meeting Kevin and Collin at Coles tomorrow for breakfast, seeing as Andrew's gone shark hunting. I better get some sleep.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Mission Trip pictures are finally here!

This masterpiece to the above is Banks, Katlyn, and I at some restaurant at the Pier. This really is the best picture I have us all of us. In the others Banks is rubbing his head because I "slapped" him on the side of it so he would look at Mrs. Sandy who was taking the picture.

Oh my, I know Kyle had a quite delightful time riding with Beka, Jamie, and me to Tampa. ;-D How I miss that crazy kid! I know I drove him up the wall and back again, but by the end of the week I actually got half hearted hugs from the guy. I can't wait for him to come back to visit his cousin, David, next summer.

There's Taylor Fisher, David, and Kyle hanging out on the man made beach in front of the bridge we had to cross every day to get to Wimama. That was a nice evening. Kids running around playing Slice, sitting on the beach, finding shells with holes in them to make necklaces out of, and the little sign language lesson with Tom.

Whoa! Us kids are looking a little rough. But we were hanging out on a beach, so yeah. I don't know who was taking that picture, but they could have waited until I was done running my mouth. ;-D

Here's a picture of Beka and Anna Grace before the wind got to their hair. Getting ready to go hang out was always a great way to bond with some of the younger youth I didn't know that well like Georgia, M Squared, Kate, and all those kids.

Katlyn might send me a few more pictures of us on the VBS site. I know I only have two picutres of the kids there, but we stayed so busy we didn't really have time to give our attention to the cameras and such. Having them in my memories are so much better than just seeing them in pictures and not knowing the real children.
"...Incomparable, unchangeable
You see the depths of my heart and
You love me the same
You are amazing God"
~Chris Tomlin
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Turning In
totalcrazyness09: i love that verse...:) goodnight sweet stephanie...have an awesome day tomorrow. i love you dearly!
Kelli White makes me smile. :-D, but those simple figures don't express the real one I have.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
me, myself, and i

Alone time is good and something I realized I really need. I've had a lot of that the past couple of days. I've gotten to read just for leisure and that sort of thing (sleep! It's been wonderful!). I just came in from reading the sixth Harry Potter book outside on the new hammock. I don't really like to read all that much so yep, that was nice.
I'm thinking about redoing my room. Even though I know Bradley's is first in line to be changed with help from mom, but if I get serious about the thing and buy my own paint and do it myself, I'm sure it will get done sooner than some project the whole household is working on that will be procrastinated. Sounds like something I would do though. I just don't know what color(s) I want to paint it. I like yellow, but a lot of people have yellow rooms. Maybe a soft orange...
This post is quite short compared to some of the latest ones, but leave me a comment.
God loves you more than you will ever comprehend.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Yay! I'm home again
Preston (sound effects/Alex), David (Mr. Davis/marching kid), Samuel (Mr. Pruitt), Andrew (John Roberts/marching kid), Collin (Jess/Brandon McDougal), Katie (Caroline/Mark), Kate (Meredith), Nancy (Mica/marching kid), Meredith (Brittney Malloy/Katie), Dora (Jennifer/marching kid), Majik (Brittney Hooks/marching kid), and I (Kim) did an absolutly HILARIOUS skit for our pizza social at band camp. It was so fun. I think we enjoyed it so much more than the people watching the thing. It was so funny!
I want to go see a movie soon. I haven't seen one since Andrew and I met Austin and Hailey in Florence, actually, that wasn't that long ago, but the movie we saw had been out for a while. I'd like to see Red Eye some time, they've been showing previews for the thing for like nine months!
I miss Nicole, Alyssa, Erin, Hailey and the rest Andrew's family and everyone else in Sumter. What beautiful people of God they are. So unlike so many others. Andrew's going to Sumter Friday I think, so you Sumter kids, if you read this, keep an eye out of you guys want to hang out.
I talked to Andrew a little while ago, he called and told me about while Alyssa's been gone on her mission trip someone on the trip died because some sort of bus accident. Thank the good Lord Alyssa was on a different bus! Please pray for that person's family, that has got to be so hard to deal with. This whole incident reminded me of that thing that happened to Ryan's busses in Romania with all the girls having to go to the hospital and stuff because of the fumes. Wow, Satan trys so hard to get to Christians, but thankfully so many people are reached through trips like the ones they've been on. I'm still considering one for next summer. I don't know what I am going to do.
For those of you who have read my previous post you know that I've really been wanting a hammock. I get home from camp and guess what my mom shows me! A HAMMOCK! It is so awesome, but right now it's too hot to even think about sitting outside.
No pictures yet, I'm slack and don't have like any from mission trip developed at all because I never finished the rolls of film, actually now that I think about it I did finish one of them...I need to take it to Wal mart.
So yeah, I'm totally not ready for school to be back on. I still need to read that blasted book for Mr. Trusky, which is stupid. And I want some break time, I've had something to do almost every blasted week this summer. It's been fun, but oh how tiring.
I need anger management...sometimes. I need a real quiet time.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Auto response from Stargirl0702: This is the fourth trip I've packed for this summer. I'm starting to get pretty good at it. It used to take me a really long time.
I wish I was packing for Sumter..
I want to know Him so much more.
I want to get some pictures of mission trip here, but there's no way I'll have them before band camp. So keep an eye out afterwards.
I really don't have that much to say right now. I miss Sumter, but that's usually a given, unless I'm actually there. Setting drill isn't really that much fun. I would rather just be doing run throughs. Our sets are weird this year. Maybe it's just because I keep comparing everything to last year. I miss our show from last year, but usually you always love your first show the best anyway.
Some questions arose about a few posts ago. The post that I was responding to was deleted and all between friends is quite well now. I wonder who "A Friend" is, so you kids have some idea feel free to let me know.
I'm feeling a whole lot better and am no longer really sick, but while I was I finally got a chance to start reading the sixth Harry Potter book, I'm only on chapter three, but that's cool. Andrew and Collin are getting really obsessed with that stuff, everyone in the band is some character in those bloody books.
This post has been quite random.
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:30-31
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ yuck
Last night, well actually yesterday afternoon, Andrew and I went to Florence and I finally got to meet two of his camp friends, Austin Crane and Hailey Grant. They were cool. It was fun meeting up with them in Florence and now knowing they're there to hang out with and whatnot. I can't wait to tell Leigh Ann that I actually know Austin Crane now! :-D
I want to go do something, anything, get out of this house. I cannot stay here much longer, even though I probably will. There are so many things I need to do, but so few of them I actually want to do...if there are actually any I want to do. I've said actually a whole lot of times throughout this post.
I didn't go to marching band

Haha, this is pretty funny. I stumbled across a spoof of today. Click here. Be sure to click play!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
A time of my own to rant in response
Onto the Ryan subject. Personally, I like the Ryan we have now. I mean everyone knows he's changed a bit, but I feel like I can relate to this Ryan so much more than I could before. Not that I didn't like the old Ryan. It would be so much easier if everyone understood everyone else. What's going to happen when all you guys go to Italy? Ryan and I will miss out, neither of us are going. What if I had ended up going to Ambassador Camp instead of Mission Trip? Wouldn't I be just as tired of hearing about any of these things. That's why I started going to First Baptist Church in the first place. I felt left out. I hate you feel that way, but you guys really do mean a lot to me. Would I be the Stephanie you know without you?
And sometimes I think that I’m not any good at all
And sometimes I wonder why, why I’m even here at all
But then you assure me
I’m a little more than useless
And when I think that I can’t do this
You promise me that I’ll get through this
And do something right
Do something right for once
~Relient K
Monday, July 18, 2005
Speaking of Busch Gardens, mission trip was quite a trip. I loved working with the children at VBS. Although, their VBS was absolutely nothing like our VBS back home. Lorilynn(our site leader) warned us about it. I wanted to bring home five kids. One night during church devotions I asked Mr. Thomas how many empty spaces we had on the bus and vans. His answer was none just so I would take it too far and try to bring a kid home from VBS. :-) This one little girl, Anna, was so beautiful. She gave me two purple flowers and I pressed them in one of my books. Her and her sister, Alma, were two of the children I wanted to bring home.
When the construction people were coming back from their site, I think it was the first day when, David got overheated and got sick. He stayed in his room with Mr. Steve while the rest of us went out to the pier. He did feel better after his nap though, but I hate he missed it.
When we first got to Busch Gardens Saturday morning. Aly, Taylor Fagian, Ryan, David, Lee, Taylor Fisher, Steven, Mark, Kyle, Banks, and I all went to ride Rhino Rally. We were finally on the ride and we had to make a decision to go right or left. We decided to go left which takes you on a little trip through some water. The car thing is actually on a track and suddenly we had to stop in the middle of the river because the raft ahead of us was stuck. So the rescue people at Busch Gardens had to drain like a million gallons of water and set up a device with stairs to get us out of the boat. I had never experienced anything like this at an amusement park. It was pretty cool though because we got passes to get in the front of any ride line we wanted to, other than a few rides and the newest roller coaster.
Banks, Ryan, and I talked about unmentionables. *bbbup*
And on the way home I got sick twice. Once near Mark, who just happened to be who was sitting beside David earlier that week when he got sick.
Okay, so as far as working at VBS goes, it was pretty awesome. Mr. Steve (or should I just call him "Steve"?) was quite an inspiration to me. When we were first deciding where we would all be working at the beginning of the week he was going to do consruction at first, but then he realized there were not any men chaperons going to the VBS site in Wimama. So he turned out doing VBS with the other people at my site and I honestly think he had a wonderful time. There was this little Hispanic boy named Roman, who really wouldn't listen to anyone else other than Steve. Steve played cards with him and got insanely sweaty the first day when he lead recreation. It was pretty funny at the end of our week all the other workers were still called Mr, Miss, and Teacher, but Steve actually got his name known.
The children were such blessings and I had such a wonderful time with them. I learned a lot from this trip and I'm thinking about going on a Global Expeditions mission trip next summer. I got to talk to Ryan about it on the way home. I really want to talk to Erin about her trip to Peru too.
He must become greater; I must become less. John 3:30
Monday, July 11, 2005
mmhmm (relient k!!)
Last night after church I went to David's house to go swimming. It was pretty fun, but I was the only girl of about seven people. Let's see, who was there? David, Kyle, Mark, Taylor, Banks, Jed, and me. So seven, yeah. It was as fun...interesting experience.
I went over to Andrew's house yesterday. He was home from Ambassador Camp and was leaving for the beach so we got some hang out time in. I got my birthday present, which was completely awesome! The third season of Gilmore Girls!! I was really surprised. Mrs. Lyall even remembered my floss.
As far as mission trip goes, I hope throughout the week I start to feeling better than I feel now. The beginning of this day has been extremely crumby, but I've been in my room watching Gilmore Girls, so it's not too bad :-). I hope that we get a lot done the days that we will be in Tampa, I want everything I do to serve the Lord. I feel like such a hypocrite right now. I think I'll just stop this post, and maybe get back later. I need to go have a talk with my Father. I want to feel better...
Saturday, July 09, 2005
That was a very Landonish part of a post, but I'm nothing like Landon, so it sure didn't last long.
I have a shiny bronze penny just-a-waitin' for me in Sumter. How I want to see Hailey! And I miss my Chocolate! And oh my, Nicole got a car! I want to see it, and I want to smell it before the new car smell goes away!! But oh, how I want to see her so much more! I want to be excited, but I'm not at the moment. I'm not my normal self, but then again, I am a little tired...
"Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of you heart." Psalm 37:4
I desire to be in a better mood. I will go delight myself in the Lord. He's beautiful.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Special, special, beautiful people
And guess what!!!
You're one of them! How awesome is that!?! The thought makes me smile, and it should make you too!
For you know my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that fullwell.
Psalm 139:13-14
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Christian Love
"If we cut off their tongues and forbid the Christians speech, they love with their hands, with their feet, and with their eyes, they love always and everywhere until their last respiration. Does anybody know how to take out the power of love from these stupid Christians?"
-Romanian prison guard who found both this fulfillment and frustration in torturing Christians
To think, this man is from the country Ryan verged into to do mission work. It seems pretty crazy that it would cross the mind of any citizen with the occupation of a guard.
What about the masses of "Christians"? Do they love with their hands, feet, and eyes? Do they even love with their mouths?
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always preservers. Love never fails." 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
If we love we are Jesus' friends...
"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit---fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. This is my command "Love each other" John 15:9-17
I am absolutely not saying that I am perfect and I always love with every being of my soul. This was just a study for me. It would have normally been written in my Summer 2005 notebook that Mr. T gave us, but I decided to try something different. I couldn't find one verse I was looking for...that was a little frustrating.
Ahhhh....the power of prayer!
Today and whatnot ("WHOA! I mean, ARG! Isn't that the same title I had yesterday..)
Shelly and I got pretty pink plastic bracelets and necklaces at Fuddruckers--like, seven dollars worth. It wasn't even my money. I felt kind of bad, but they're really pretty. :-)
When we got back to Cheraw from rock climbing all us history day dorks well, Kate, Taylor, David, Jed, and I all went with Mrs. Ingram to get our Mexican dinner from her for making it to National History Day. I hadn't hung out with all of them in a long time. We had a strange conversation, but it was pretty fun. Jed got one of my necklaces and let me tell ya, he looked really hot. Just kidding!
Afterwards Regina came to the house to pick me up to go to the park with her and Tara to see the last part of Amber's (Regina's sister) softball game. That was defiantly something new. I hadn't seen either of them all summer, and I don't really spend that much time with Tara anymore. It was fun though. We got a lot of laughs in.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Today and whatnot..

Today was pretty fun. I got to spend almost all of it with Alyssa. I hadn't seen that girl since the weekend of the ballet, I tell ya! I went over to the Whites' house around one or so and we dusted and cleaned the doors (Alyssa and I). It was good to see all the Whites even though Andrew wasn't there. I hadn't Jimmy, Lyall, or Jonathan in a while seeing as Andrew's at Ambassador Camp. Anywho, later on we all went to Jonathan's All Star game. His team won, 9 to 4 (or 5), and that means they'll be playing tomorrow.
Well, guess what Cheraw kids. Yep, it's official, I am going to mission trip in Tampa next week :-D. I'm excited! I haven't seen most of you guys in a while. Oh yeah, it's also pretty awesome that I'll be going to Busch Gardens too. Jonathan will be jealous. ;-). I can't wait to see what God has in store for me there! I don't think I would be going if it wasn't God's will. Pray for a safe trip as Ryan flys back to the U.S.
Oh yeah, pray for Erin, Andrew's cousin, who is currently in Peru on a Global Expedition mission trip like the one Ryan's been on. Well, I think it's about time I got to bed seeing as I'm going to Inner Peaks tomorrow for rock climbing.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
"joe green called me today and said they are at camp and they're trying to figure our a black name for him!"
She brightens my day and I wish I knew her so much better than I do. Latete never fails to encourage me in my walk with Jesus Christ. And it makes me smile.
"the main thing i learned is to just let God's plans override what we want cause even if we don't like His ideas at the time, He always is right...and He blessed us more than what we ever imagine for our obedience"
"i adored our day of blessings with all my was straight from God's heart to ours and sealed with a kiss too"
"there's a great pic of us, it's like capturing our moment when ya'll first got to Carowinds"
I want to go to Sumter and be homeschooled. Everyone there makes me smile.
"i wish you did live here and were homeschooled"
I'm so glad I can help her when she needs it!!!
"thanks for listening and giving your advice. It really did help"
And I know that I can count on her!
"steph, know that you can talk to me too, ok?"
She "really lifts my joy level a whole LOT!" Latete always brings a smile to my face and I wish I knew her so much more. I'll never forget her and that I can see her oh so super soon! How I miss her beautiful face!
Note to all my Cheraw people: I love all of you guys so much! Certainly none of you will ever be replaced with your beautiful selves! I care for each of you with my heart and I can only hope you understand how much I do! I'm always here to listen when you need to talk, so be sure to never ever forget it!
I love Jesus Christ! and people!
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Remember to always praise God in the small stuff :-D
My birthday
I got a phone call today and it was so special because as soon as I picked up the phone I heard the Happy Birthday song. At first I couldn't figure out who it was, until I heard Andrew's voice singing along with Alyssa and Jonathan's. It was absolutely great talking to them. The last time I had heard Alyssa's beautiful voice was the weekend of the ballet! I miss her and the rest of the cousins like WHOA!!! I was talking to Jonathan at one time and said "Hey J. White," and he responded with "hey S. Moore." S. Moore does not sound half as cool as J. White. I guess because White is a wanna be gansta name (;-D). Anyway, so I talked to Andrew and he had a pretty good time at camp this past week. He didn't get to see Ashley Porter or Jordan Smith as much as he wished he could have, but supposedly next week he's supposed to get that all organized and be a counselor.
Katlyn brought over my birthday present while I was in the shower today, so I really hated I missed her and Mrs. Sandy. I can always count on them to bring by my birthday presents on my birthday. I love that!
Well, the folks are talking about going to see some fireworks so I'd better go.
Friday, July 01, 2005
I'm so tired right now. I could not get to sleep last night. I kept thinking about everyone I missed. My mom and Bradley went to Rockingham to go to Lowes and to try to find me a straightener for my birthday and my dad's at work. I want to take a nap while I've got the house to myself, but I don't want to. I'm certainly in a weird mood today.
Michelle, Alexis, Brooklyn, and Libbie are supposed to be coming to visit sometime soon for my birthday. I think David might be coming...I'm not sure. That's pretty exciting. They hardly ever come here to visit!
Thursday, June 30, 2005
"This is crazy!"
Later on I was talking to Leigh Ann Barber and we were talking about Sumter (surprise anyone?). Her grandparents are from Sumter. So some how or another she got to talking about her cousin Austin. I was like "Austin Crane??!" She was talking about him and I got pretty excited; "YOU KNOW AUSTIN CRAIN, YOU'RE RELATED TO AUSTIN CRAIN?!? I DON'T EVEN KNOW AUSTIN CRAIN!!!!" Okay, so you're probably thinking that makes no sense, it doesn't. Andrew goes to Ambassador Camp where he met Austin Crain. I was supposed to meet him once in Florence, but I didn't because Austin had to study Russian (what a great excuse!! I'll be sure to use that one next time..). So anyway, it was really super exciting and Leigh Ann and Erin think I'm totally out of mine...which is probable!
Oh yeah, I'm adoring all the lovely comments I have recieved lately! Thanks to all you lovely folks!
buttons and...
I talked to Regina a little while ago. I miss her a lot. I really miss our two hour long phone conversations. I think I could talk to her forever and never get bored. She's one of the only people I can actually talk on the phone to. I remember that night at Rachel's house when we stayed up almost all night sitting on Rachel's bed, just me and her, talking about everything under the sun (or moon considering it was night time). There was so much ridiculous drama, but I adore that talk. I love those phone calls.
Mrs. Brenda just brought over my first birthday present this year. Now I smell like plumeria body cream from Bath & Body Works.
I might help my mom with swimming lessons today. I haven't been out there in a while. It sure will be better than sitting in the house all day like I've done so many other days. I've really enjoyed this week. The first week in my entire summer than I've gotten to sleep as long as I wanted to. What a glorious feeling!
Well, that post was completely random covering things that I wouldn't normally bring up, but it was grood. I think I'll go watch some Teen Girl Squad now. I haven't done that in a while..
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Mission VBS

Today was pretty good. I just hung around for the first part and then I went to the Goddard's house and babysat Jacob and Jackson. What curious children!
"What's your name again?" -Jackson
Obviously I don't babysit them too often, but they are still a joy to watch.
Later I went to the mission VBS my church is putting on in Chesterfield. That was fun. The children were fun even though I wish I could have gotten to know them more. There was one boy named Terrell that I got to speak about being a Christian. He seemed clueless about Jesus, but he was so into Mrs. Mullis' story of the crucifixion and resurrection. He was an absolute blessing to my day. After the story all the children had a "quiet time with God." I prayed that the children would accept God's beautiful self. I also pray that I can be a brief influence on Terrell's life and that he will know Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him like I do. How terribly I want this boy to know God! After their time with God Mrs. Mullis gave out copies of the New Testament and I told Terrell that I would highlight Jesus' story for him. He said he would start reading it tonight. I hope this passionate feeling he has won't just last this week, but for his entire life. God teaches me more and more about myself everyday. I adore Him!
I need a new Bible so badly! But the one I have has been with me since January of 2004. I don't want to part with it!! What a change that has been in me since that date!
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you." -John 15:12-15
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
My birthday is coming up. Time to get my permit. That makes me a little nervous, and I'm sure it makes other drivers nervous too. Just kidding, I don't think it's going to be that bad. I don't know what I want for my birthday. It always makes my mom mad because I can never tell her anything I want because I don't know. I don't want a hammock, I don't think I do, at least right now that is. I would love a trip to Sumter right now though. The last time I saw most of Andrew's family was when I went to the ballet...
I sure wish the weather was better. I could go swimming. I'm sure Erin would adore this weather, though. Yesterday Kevin, Collin, Katie H, and I went to the Mexican resturant. Later Collin had to take Katie to piano practice, so then Kevin and Collin came over here to swim. After a while we dicided to go see a really cheap movie in Hartsville with Majik. That was fun. If they sold the DVD of Herbie: Fully Loaded with Majik and my commentary on it I would totally buy it. It was hilarious! :-D The movie was alright. Wow, there were so many good movies out and then all of a sudden there weren't so many. Anyway, Andrew went to Ambassador Camp for two weeks and it looks like I'm going to be going to Mission Trip instead of working there. Which is okay because I don't think it would have worked out this way if it wasn't God's will.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Sunday, June 26, 2005
The Day of the Lord's Blessings Upon Us
Well, I'm way too tired to say anything else. I'm gone to bed.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Small Towns
"..what's going on? whats up with all our friends?
let's start a rumor just to find out where it ends.
cause a small town is like a small stage for
teenagers and their drama
instead of playing shows, we'll be showing plays
like 90210 without the beverly hills..." ~Relient K
Washington Pictures!!!
As far as the city of Washington D.C. goes...let's just say I would never want to live there. The Metro was awesome fun, but it was so quiet and no one knew anyone so if you talked on the Metro you stood out because you were the only one talking. I resorted to reading, which actually didn't go too bad. I know I worked off some calories this week though! Walking around Washington will really wear you out!!

The Great Washington Monument

The Great Washington Monument again...but from the Lincoln Memorial steps.

Part of the super fancy World War II Memorial. This was one of my favorites! ;-)

Well, I'll never leave those "Northern" roots behind. Had to get a picture of the North Carolina pillar at the WWII Memorial.

And how could I forget South Carolina?!

The Lincoln Memorial...that thing fits on a penny?!?!?

Well, I think that Lincoln Memorial is more like it :-)

Lincoln was HUGE!!

Lions! They were on some art building's entrance. They looked awesomely scary.

Lion #2

The aritecure in Washington is so neat.

See what I mean?

more buildings

This lantern thing was crazy HUGE! Look at the tiny door! I wonder if the thing even lights up..

OOO...The White House. Looks like George is gettin' ready for a super fancy gathering.

My super TIRED feet and my super old New Balances.
