As far as the city of Washington D.C. goes...let's just say I would never want to live there. The Metro was awesome fun, but it was so quiet and no one knew anyone so if you talked on the Metro you stood out because you were the only one talking. I resorted to reading, which actually didn't go too bad. I know I worked off some calories this week though! Walking around Washington will really wear you out!!

The Great Washington Monument

The Great Washington Monument again...but from the Lincoln Memorial steps.

Part of the super fancy World War II Memorial. This was one of my favorites! ;-)

Well, I'll never leave those "Northern" roots behind. Had to get a picture of the North Carolina pillar at the WWII Memorial.

And how could I forget South Carolina?!

The Lincoln Memorial...that thing fits on a penny?!?!?

Well, I think that Lincoln Memorial is more like it :-)

Lincoln was HUGE!!

Lions! They were on some art building's entrance. They looked awesomely scary.

Lion #2

The aritecure in Washington is so neat.

See what I mean?

more buildings

This lantern thing was crazy HUGE! Look at the tiny door! I wonder if the thing even lights up..

OOO...The White House. Looks like George is gettin' ready for a super fancy gathering.

My super TIRED feet and my super old New Balances.


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