Apparently it's a huge deal that there has never been an African American princess produced from the Disney company. Some articles has even claimed that Disney has never even had an American princess. That's obviously wrong. Has no one ever seen Pocahontas? Talk about American! Although, very few even consider her a princess. Be real, she was the chief's daughter
and she was epic. I'm not gonna lie. Pocahontas my absolute favorite princess when I was growing up (and its a pretty beautiful film as far as animation goes). But above all else she was an actual princess. Some

'princesses' can't even say that.
How has Disney gone so long without someone noticing the missing race from all the Disney Princess products that have become immensely popular over the past few years? Everything from Barbie dolls to cupcake liners have been produced with a Disney Princess theme! I guess no one ever made a fuss about there not being an African America. But I mean really, there was a mermaid, but not a black girl!

Of course an outrageous number of blogs and other opinion sites have claimed that Barack Obama is the cause of the domino effect of racial identity across the cultural spectrum. Let's not give him all the credit. I mean, props on being the first non-white president, but seriously? Can't anyone breakthrough racial boundries without praising him for starting it all?

Anyway, the new princess' animated film will be set in Cajun Louisiana during the Jazz Age. Talk about an interesting cultural opportunity. Let's hope she becomes a classic even if its only because of her color (although hopefully she will do something epic). But anything is better than sleeping. I'm all for knocking out some of the current 'princesses' so that this new girl can take her spot. What the heck is Sleeping Beauty doing considered one anyway?
All this to say, I am looking forward to this movie in attempt to see how the company has reflected the culture of the time, but more importantly to feel like a little girl again in watching a new princess movie.
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