ohhhhh man. Its good to be back in Asia. I won't lie, the journey was long and difficult. But I'm so glad I'm finally here. ELIC has the very best people! Fellow team leaders are amazing. ELIC staff is oh so great! and the folks that are assisting in training. . . da best!! So if you're coming, GET EXCITED! and if you're following what's going on in Asia, be sure to see the Camp blog too! http://campblog.elic.org/ features a lovely picture of myself and Megan Wynd soak and wet after an outrageous downpour on the way up the mountain for our training retreat sight. Speaking of Wynd, its been so good to be reunited with her. We're pretty much different body types of the same person. Its fantastic. I was warmly welcomed by her and this. . .

'The Skip's' is my fave. It kinda makes Asia, Asia. Chocolate and peanut butter together like none other.
In our team leader free time we all usually sit around in the same room and communicate via internet connection. with laughs out loud all around. which is what we're doing now as i type this up. And on that note, its not even ten, but jet lag is kinda kicking in. .
1 comment:
sitting in the auburn library doing homework. literally almost in tears because i want to be there so badly with you guys. i'll be checking blog updates like every day, hour, minute....
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