Wednesday, March 23, 2005


THIRD PART!!! It's insanely stupid! I want to play second clarinet part soooooo flippin' bad!!!! But I can't now because I've been practicing third for a while and now my fingers don't even find it natural for the old fingerings. I might as well not even go to concert festival and waste my time! I could be doing much more important things! It's terrible, but right now I despise band, and Pruitt is making this whole situation ridiculous! I just want to go cry; I honestly do. I don't want to go to concert festival playing third part. And I probably wouldn't if I explained that to Pruitt, but I'm to much of a chicken to even say anything about it! We have to have "balance" in the section. Well, if I'm playing the wrong stinking notes the score will be worst than if the clarinets weren't balanced!

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