Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Yes, I'm a vegetarian. 

"You've been eating meat for the past almost eighteen years! Why are you going to stop eating it now?"
It is completely practical to start being one now, despite my age of eighteen. Do you think that something you ate six years ago is still in your body? I guess you forgot it has natural tendencies to clean itself. 
It's stinkin' healthy. All of the vitamins, etc. that anyone would ever need can be found in fruits, vegetables, and grains. Meats are not essential to the human diet. I intake no grease whatsoever. Yeah, being a vegetarian is a dumb idea. It's completely impractical. 

"There are still traces of meat in your vegetables. I mean, manure is used to fertilize the plants you eat."
Oh yeah, that is right. I am made of the same material as my excrement. I mean, aren't all animals. 

More arguments later.

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