Tuesday, January 27, 2009

crash, burn and compassion

We don't know any stories but our own, and of that we only know the past. We cannot judge or act without the thought that the people we interact with are going through things that are just as complicated as (if not more than) our own circumstances. We cannot imagine the rings that emit from one irresponsible and unconcerned action, particularly racists ones. I've heard it said that there is unequal opportunity between groups that do not allow for adequate lifestyle achievement. But if you get down to the core of unevenness among individuals its not a matter of opportunities, but rather a matter of laziness. If we declare that someone of another stereotypical group is not progressive, we are ourselves are in such a hole. By not attempting to understand others we become the people we despise.
I feel as though each of the stronger points that I have been making lately are a reminder of compassion. And there is no promise in compassion that it will be shown back. But we must continue to show it. Generally as human beings, and specifically as Christians with higher purpose. People are all different and to even begin to think that one or a group is more superior in the eyes of the world is completely ludicrous.
Speaking of 'Ludacris' he, along with a large array of cast members, do a pretty terrific job making this point clear through the movie Crash. Pointing out how our lives as humans are so completely intertwined, this film allows a vision into understanding one another and pointing out the flaws of each of our lives that actually make us more similar than many of us want to believe.

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