Monday, May 18, 2009

5 Simple Rules for Living with Brooke Rogers

1)Tell Brooke what you want done or if something needs to be done. This includes taking out the trash, changing the television channel, or playing a game.
2)Don't talk to Brooke when she gets quiet. She knows you care, but asking her about it is not going to make her talk or open up.
3)Unless you are a libertarian or Calvinist, and have an open mind about having more than surface level discussions about such, do not talk to Brooke about politics or religion.
4)Do not insult nerdy things without anticipating a defensive Brooke. She is a nerd and enjoys things like comics, cartoons, and film.
5)Do not expect Brooke to be more than sarcastic in a majority of conversations.

1 comment:

Lauren Brown said...

HAHAHA...this is hilarious! I hate talking politics with Brooke! And I recently dissed Star Wars...that was a mistake which I most regret!

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