Friday, August 14, 2009

Sin and the Fact That We Can Do Nothing About It.

We can not, will not, and have absolutely no hopes of changing anyone's way of thinking until we show them Jesus. There are no hopes in trying to tell one to stop acting upon their gay feelings, to stop stealing from their parents, to stop cheating on their husband and wives, to stop lying to themselves until we show them Jesus. There is no reasoning with someone who doesn't agree with or has any reason to be moral. Too many people think of themselves as being completely alone. They're not. I fight hard enough to go against my sinful nature because I have an eternal reason to do so. Until we give those who do wrong the real reason to do so, we can expect no more of them than sin itself.


Gryffindor said...

I agree about this completely.. I feel like we can't judge or critique someone's actions unless they have Jesus in their life. then it's called being held accountable haha. just like Adam and Eve before they knew the were naked. they were clueless to their nature until their eyes were opened.

Anonymous said...

I read your most recent update and I had a few thoughts for you. I completely agree that people have a hard time realizing that they are sinful and an even harder time that Jesus is the answer. I believe part of the problem is the fact that we believers at time do a really piss poor job of reflecting Jesus Christ and the fact that He loves and is willing to forgive. The other problem is the fact that Christians expect people in Western Culture expect people to get saved just by saying Jesus repeatedly and without purpose...turning it into the Christian equivalant of the F Bomb. Obviously, I am not saying that Jesus is the same as the F Bomb but that people particularly Christians use His name so irrevelantly that they treat it with about the same respect.

Hate the Sin, not the Sinner - A cliched but true phrase but we fail to apply it. The only way for people to see the need to change, to repent of their sins and offer their lives to God is to see that Jesus is who He says He is and that in Him their sins can be forgiven, they can be set free....and importantly they have hope. We need to offer them the Hope that Christ gave us....and with that hope they will begin to change.

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