Tuesday, November 29, 2005

discovering myself

I've discovered that I really enjoy writing. Mostly my writing tends to be about me and my relationships with people. I guess since I began this blog a little over a year ago I have adapted to writing out my feelings instead of voicing them all the time. Probably part of the reason I am a lot quieter than I was about a year ago. When I have something to say I long to write, but that sometimes loses the person touch of things I guess. But when things start to cloud my mind and I'm just overwhelmed with thoughts I turn to my journal or a saved draft in my blog (if I feel like typing instead of writing) . Writing is nice, but I've almost lost any passion to for reading.
I love traditional relationships! Relationships in which the boy is forward and then as it grows he is still the one to take lead. The girl does not have the boy by a string pulling him to the way she wants, but rather him guiding her into not only a beautiful relationship with him, but one bringing them both closer to their Creator. These take not only our time, but also God's perfect timing. We all have to wait on Him.

but I need Him so much more.

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