Wednesday, February 22, 2006


The past few days have been abnormally stressful. I've just had a hard time figuring out some things (not that they are all figured out now). I've had really awful feelings and I would seriously rather be physically sick (not with a disease, just physically feeling awful) than feel the way I do. I'm on the edge a lot, but I do a pretty good job putting on a mask so no one really realizes anything is wrong.

I don't think I am the only person that's having emotional problems right now.

Often I've found myself wishing I had the assurance I have with God in all my relationships. Not that people are letting me down necessarily, I just don't feel confident in them. I know God will always be there for me and I have absolute assurance he will never leave me. I mean, come on, he's already died for every sin I have and will ever do, why would he abandon me now? Christ is so amazing!

I've had a hard time with so much lately. Pray for me.

I love Mrs. Lyall White! <3

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