Monday, December 13, 2004

Life As of Now

Well, I haven't posted in a good little while. I've been so busy and had so much on my mine. Here's what I've been doing since the last time I posted...

Wednesday- Working on our script for history day at Kate's house. Then worked on history day at my house until really late.
Thursday- Talked to Andrew on the phone. Yeah, I might as well go on and say it, considering everyone and their brother already know; he's the guy I'm talking to. Correct that, "we're getting to know each other better and considering a relationship." David doesn't like the term "talking." Anyway, then I went to the Long Middle School band concert. I also had to work on history day, considering it was due the next day.
Friday- Went to eat at Coles with Mark, David, Andrew, Katie, Bryce, Braydon (I think that's their names, I'm probably really wrong), Megan, Landon, Dorterra, Caitlyn, and Jonathan. Very big crowd. History day was finally due and over with, at least for a little while. At four-o-clock I left for the S.A.L.T. trip. It was awesomely good fun! I needed the break, but because Mr. Stafford has a project due this coming Wednesday I had to take it with me to work on.
Saturday- Still at the beach for the S.A.L.T. trip.
Sunday- Got back home for the beach, came home and took a much needed nap. Then went to Bradley's Christmas program at the church.

I've been really busy and I'm ready for my much needed Christmas break! And now I'm off to work on Mr. Stafford's "devil" (as Ryne put it) project.

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