Monday, March 27, 2006

My Bones Family Horcrux Theory

Supposing that all knowledge of Helga Hufflepuff's cup being one of Voldemort's seven horcruxes is completely correct, we must ask ourselves, where is it? I, Ginny Weasley, believe it is somewhere hidden among the Bones' family treasures.
Susan Bones, Harry Potter's fellow sixth year, is put into Hufflepuff immediately after the Sorting Hat's placement on her head. We find more information about her family as the series progress. Mr. and Mrs. Bones, Susan's grandparents are killed during the first war against You-Know-Who. Before their death they gave birth to three children; Edgar, Amelia, and Susan's father. Edgar was an original member of the Order of the Phoenix. Edgar is said to be "a great wizard," according to Mad-Eye Moody. During the war Edgar was killed with his wife and children (note the plural form). Amelia Bones was Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, but is never said to have been in either Order (I am not sure if this is in anyway significant). Amelia also was over Harry's hearing. Tonks continually reminded Harry that because Amelia was hones and fair he would be sure to get off. Is Tonks' point more than describing Amelia's character? The key trait of Hufflepuff is fairness. Why is this revealed to us? Later in the books it is announced that Amelia has been killed. Strangely enough, Fudge, who is denying Lord Voldemort's return claims that Voldemore himself murdered Amelia. When counted, there have been no less that seven deaths in the Bones family, tracing back to Lord Voldemort and/or his followers. Why has J.K. Rowling included so much about this family (other than to make this theory wrong)? Why hasn't Susan's immediate family been attacked? Are they next?
-Ginny Weasley

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