Monday, March 13, 2006

our one year anniversary (nicole and me, that is!)

""there are many many crazy things
that will keep me loving you
and with your permission, may i list a few?

the way you wear your hat
the way you sip your tea
the memory of all that
oh not they can't take that away from me
the way your smile just beams
the way you sing off key
the way you haunt my dreams
oh no they can't take that away from me...
i will always hold the memory of
they way you hold your knife
the way we danced until three
the way you changed my LIFE..."

LOL frank sinatra! happy anniversery!!! Love you" -Latete (Nicole)

So I basically love Nicole. And I'm so blessed that I know her! I cannot believe I've known her for a year.
I called her, actually Andrew did, Erin, and Alyssa to let them know we've known each other for a year and how great it is to know them!

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