Saturday, March 18, 2006

this weekend

I left for Sumter Friday right after school. Of course it was a wonderful time. I hung out with Megan and Elizabeth Friday night. I realized just how much Elizabeth really is like Andrew. Amazing.

Today Andrew, Lindsay, Alyssa, Latete, Rebekah Richardson, Ronnie, Brett and I all went out to Swan Lake, one of my favorite places in Sumter. It's so pretty, and I love the Love Tree. Lindsay took a lot of pictures and there might be some tomorrow, but no promises at the moment. It was just a beautiful day.

The homeschoolers had their prom Friday night and Alyssa and Erin looked beautiful!

Lindsay and I got some chatting time in this morning. It was nice. Wow, that seems like such a long time ago and tomorrow starts early. It's time for bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey chica. it's HOlly. my weekends' kinda BLAH!! lol. talk to ya later.

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