Wednesday, May 11, 2005


I'm ready for summer. I miss everybody in Sumter, I actually got to go the other weekend. Let me tell you, it was exciting! Erin, Alyssa, Megan, and Elizabeth were in a ballet and it was so beautiful!!! We rode golf cars and four-wheelers, played the OLD Nintendo, and had a lot of fun. Goodness, I love that place and the people there! I got to see Latete, Haley, and Rebekah too!
The next couple of days are going to consist of nothing after school, other than if we have homework, and we better not! But Andrew's on that AP trip and Kevin and I aren't going to do something together, just the two of us, because that would seem weird and neither of us ever plan anything. So I guess I'm basically going to be chilling at my house doing nothing for a while.
I'm so ready to get out of school! Thank goodness, that essay for Mr. Stafford will be out of the way tomorrow!! :-D

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