Friday, May 27, 2005

Random Thoughts

Number of times I've seen Star Wars Episode III: 3
Money I've spent on tickets: $8.00
(Andrew bought my ticket one time, and my dad bought it another)
It's basically a pretty great movie and now I guess you could classify me as a Star Wars geek. I've got to be one of the only girls around that actually appreciates Star Wars.

Erin is supposed to come to graduation tomorrow. I'm pretty excited. Even though I acted like I wasn't when Andrew first told me. Key word there: acted. Of course I'm excited!!! :-D
So graduation is tomorrow. It's pretty sad to see my few senior friends leave. I'm really going to miss Katie, MK, and Ryan. Church and band are going to be really different are going to be really different without the three of them. The fact that they're leaving hasn't quite hit me yet though..

Hopefully Andrew and Kevin are officially friends again. I don't know about the "Boy Meets World" times being totally back, seeing as we all spend so much time with Majik, Collin, and Jonathan now, but talk to each other now. I hope everything clicks again like it did a while back..

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