Monday, May 30, 2005


I feel like typing up a post, but I really don't know what to say. Today was pretty cool. I babysat Brynna and Courtney this morning until around 12:45 when Andrew picked me up and we went to Movie Gallery to meet Kevin and Katie. We sat in his car for a while waiting on them, and I found out that he won't be able to go to Ambassador ALL!! I honestly don't understand why because I know he wants to go more than anything in the world!! We rented Spanglish, and then we went to "The Pig" and he actually let me buy him ice cream to try to make him feel a little better. But there's no way ice cream could make him feel better about that situation :-/. So we watched Spanglish with Kevin and Katie, which was nice. There was a hilarious comment about calling someone 40 times and leaving messages can seem a little needy! I guess it was hysterical because when Andrew and Kevin were mad, Andrew probably called Kevin 50 times! Not that Andrew's needy!!!
Anyway, after they left I took a shower and then went to M.N.M for our Monday night Bible Study for church. There were only four other people there, including Mr. T (Shelly, Ryan, David, and me). But I had a pretty good time, and I'm pretty excited about our study. We're using Max Lucado's book, It's Not About Me.

From the fullness of his grace we have all recieved one blessing after another. John 1:16

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