Friday, October 22, 2004

Band...I love band!!

So yeah, I'm just sitting around the house. I thought I'd put up a little something. I really need to be reading LOTR or working on my pumpkin (I've been working on my pumpkin, but I REALLY need to catch up with LOTR). Anyway, tomorrow the Tribe's has got LOWER STATE competition! I wish it hadn't come so soon. Marching is the only thing I like to do anymore. Chloe thinks that I'm going to go into depression when this season ends. I just think I will officially hate school, which bites because I was always that little kid who absolutely LOVED school and now I wish I could march all the time. I mean it's not like I just want to sit around my house and not go to school, I want to do something else, ya know? So yeah, I really hope we do well tomorrow. After tomorrow we'll have state and that will be our last performance this season. And seniors are doing their "Senior Speeches" tomorrow so that will make it worst and almost everybody will end up crying. Once again I am draining on about how I wish things were different and they are terrible. I guess I'm lucky though, I'm a freshmen; I've got three more years of this. Of course, I could always pull off a "John Roberts" and go to band camp the next year, hehe!
I just realized that we have some of the most band dorks in Cheraw. And most of the stuff you can do to go to the extreme, we do. Collin takes his trumpet, before most competitions, on the bus and cleans it. Asiah, Majik, and Alex did a project in one of their classes and they played some piece. I actually have a hand shake with Mr. Pruitt. The other day when Alex and Andrew were messing around with Collin's CD player he had a Cavaliers show in it. It's just pretty crazy. Wow, I'm just about band crazy but like I said it's about the only thing I like to do anymore and people think I'm obsessed. I guess I really am. *sigh* Band...I love band!

This is pretty freakin' awesome! Check it out!

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