Thursday, October 28, 2004


Today was pretty crazy. I wasn't able to march because I think I broke my toe and guess what?!? It's not even a week before State competition. Anyways, today I couldn't walk so when I got to band I knew we were going outside to practice. I made in through the first and second movements and had to stop because I was in tears my toe hurt so bad. Then after school we had full band practice. I cried for the thirty minutes between school and practice and then fifteen during practice because I couldn't march. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to march Saturday. I tried to call my mom to see if I could be taken to the doctor to get some medicine or something but I couldn't get in touch with her. It was a good thing though because Mr. Pruitt was mad because so many people were missing at our last practice; we had one mellophone. Well, I sat in the pit and talked to Alex for like two hours and then right before the rest of the band when to do the second run through I stood up. What do you know!! I could get on my toes to backwards march. I wanted to sooooo badly. I told Katie and Brittany I would march the last run through as long as I could and if I started hurting I would stop. I MADE IT ALL THE WAY THROUGH IT! Of course I'm not going into how I almost broke my toe. It wasn't too smart.

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