Tuesday, August 30, 2005

i hate... [Christmas parties]

About that ^, it's Relient K lyrics.
So it's official. I HATE being sick! It is only about the WORST feeling ever. Oh how thankful to the Lord I will be when I'm better!
I heart cream soda! (but it's not any good while you're sick).
Well, pray that I feel better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey steph! u amaze me how close you are to God. i would love to be at that close of a walk with the Lord! you have inspired my believes and love for Christ and i just want to thank you for doing that even if u didnt know it u are SUCH an ispiration for me to walk close with Him, and you have shown me that it is okay to love God and praise Him infront of your friedns even if they don't believe or call u weird or w/e so i just wanted to thank you soo much for all that u have done in my life in just this short period of time!!! i love ya! ~Savannah~ JAMES!!!~

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