Monday, September 06, 2004

Labor Day

Alright, I'm just about bored out of my mind. There's nothing to do because I don't have school because it's labor day. It wouldn't be so bad if we had marching band practice or something, but we don't, so yeah. I should be doing homework, but I really don't feel like it. Thankfully the chapter we have to read out of Lord of the Rings for Mr.Stafford is short! It's really weird, but I wish I had school today! Of course if I was at school I'd be ready to get out. The weather would be great marching weather though! It's overcast and there's a little breeze. I wouldn't mind being out there on the field today. That would be great.
The only problem would be that I'm sick. My throat is hurting and I'm coughing every couple minutes. But it's better than this morning I was coughing every two seconds. My body seems really tired too. Well, I'm sure that you (unless maybe you are a doctor) are really bored by me telling you how sick I am and are about to stop reading. I would be too. Well, I guess I'm signing off for now. My dad should be back with food from Hardee's any second now.

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