Saturday, September 04, 2004

What the Heck is "The Quadrilateral Space Between The Lattice Boards"?

The name "The Quadrilateral Space Between the Lattice Boards" is just a random thing. I has nothing to do with my life. It just seemed cool and I didn't think many other people would name their blog this is, so yeah. Although it's not something I came up with. My friend, Chloe, and her cousins were going to make their own movie (the ones I've seen are really neat...the movies I mean, not her cousins, even though they're cool too) called "The Quadrilateral Space Between The Lattice Boards." Well, they weren't able to make their movie, but the title was awesome and I stole it for my blog title. It was going to be some sort of scary movie, like the Ring. Ya know how there was the ring of light...well, they were going to have a quadrilateral space between lattice boards. It has nothing to do with anything, it was just a random title.

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