Tuesday, September 21, 2004


ARG!! (yeah, I sound like a pirate or something, but who cares!) Anyway I'm just about stressed out!! I've got MAJOR history day stuff to work on tomorrow with Kate and Chloe at the library. I just got back from a FCA meeting, and before that I had been running around the high school campus to get Jed his Rainbow back (and I'm not even sure if I have my other flip flop...I don't know where it is! Some of the trumpets pulled my shoe away from me and when I got a shoe back I got back Jed's Rainbow, which is why I had it). I had band practice before that. Then I had to come home and take a shower, because I was really stank! I wanna try to get something together for tacky day tomorrow, but for now I've got thirty-one pages of Lord of the Rings to get read! Well, just had to get a little relief! I better get to reading!

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