Monday, September 27, 2004

Wow, This is Just Great!

One of my closest guy friends is mad as heck at me! I despise this with a passion!!! He is about to get played like a piano and he doesn't realize it. I tried to come though like a true friend and warn him, but he got mad and started cussing and crap like that. Sometimes his "charm" works on girls, but when the girl you're trying to get has a history of toying with guys, COME ON! If one guy was dropped like a hot potato, who's to say he won't be too. I mean the will to come though with something you really want is great, don't get me wrong. Just...I don't know... I'm just sooooooooo frustrated right now!
Just please pray for me as I deal with my frustation. And for my friend so he doesn't get hurt and for the wisdom to understand what is going on. God's AWESOME power can sort this one out!

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