Friday, July 01, 2005


A little while ago I went to J&K for my yearly birthday lunch with Mr. Chap. Those are good lunches. :-) I'm finally going to be fifteen! yay! When he called earlier today to ask what time he was going to pick me up, he said it didn't matter to him because I was the queen of the day (even though my birthday is tomorrow). That made me think about Lindsay Jones and how at Mamama and Dadadee's they have this royal court thing going on. I miss Andrew's cousins...
I'm so tired right now. I could not get to sleep last night. I kept thinking about everyone I missed. My mom and Bradley went to Rockingham to go to Lowes and to try to find me a straightener for my birthday and my dad's at work. I want to take a nap while I've got the house to myself, but I don't want to. I'm certainly in a weird mood today.
Michelle, Alexis, Brooklyn, and Libbie are supposed to be coming to visit sometime soon for my birthday. I think David might be coming...I'm not sure. That's pretty exciting. They hardly ever come here to visit!

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