Saturday, November 13, 2004

History Day Research!

Today was pretty cool. Earlier I waited around the house for Chloe to call because we were going to go to Francis Marion to do research for History Day. Well, when Mrs. Pat came to pick us up she had to go see a patient; she's a home health nurse. Anyway, so we got to this person's house it was supposed to take at the most like thirty minutes, but it took a while and hour and fifteen minutes longer. It was cool though. Chloe and I sat in the car the entire time waiting on the car to roll down the slope we were parked on. We looked at her new issue of Teen Vogue. Chloe started sitting upside down then she wondered what would happen if someone that lived in the house came outside and saw her like that what the heck they would think. I would think she was mental or something, but then again she is...just kidding!
So anyway it turns out Mrs. Pat got back too late, but that was okay because we still got to go to Florence and hang out. Chloe and I went to a few stores. We stayed in Charlotte Russe for thirty minutes and ran into Nancy and one of her friends. Chloe bought two pairs of earrings and I got a flower pin for my hair.
So yeah, as you can see the whole plan to do history day research didn't work out. So tomorrow we're going to Florence to work.

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