Saturday, November 20, 2004

Those Tigers and the Craft Show

How 'bout those tigers!?! Clemson won of course; what did anyone expect!?! At the beginning of the season I thought we would get our tails beat. By the end I knew who would win :-D!
So yeah, today was pretty cool. I got to sleep until twelve-thirty this afternoon. My dad finally came into my room and was like "Wake up! It's almost one-o-clock!" I totally shouldn't have because I needed to get ready to work at the Craft Show. Well, when I finally got there I hung out with Regina and her friend Katherine. We were looking around at some bracelets and stuff and I got a really early Christmas present. I only had five dollars on me, but I found one of those pearl-like bracelets, that was that much. I didn't want to buy it because I couldn't get a drink later if I did. So she bought it for me for Christmas. Then I hung out with Majik; that was pretty cool. We talked about random stuff...the Clemson/Carolina game, all that good stuff. Then the Craft Show was basically over. Thomas Cassidy had this really neat purse that he bought for his girlfriend, Raechel, for Christmas. It was like a Skittle bag, it was weird, but pretty neat. I walked over to the booth where he bought it and they had some inexpensive wallets that I had to get one of. I bought a Kit-Kat one. I really think those would make cute gifts for Christmas.
Then we had to help load up everybody's stuff. After that Mrs. Ballard (who I miss SOOO terribly) took me home. Then I got online tonight and found out straight from the person that he likes me (which is good that he told me. I get sick of other people telling things like that). I'm totally flattered that people like me, I just don't feel ready for a relationship right now. Not that I don't like this guy. I've thought about liking him, but I wouldn't let myself. I really don't think I'm a normal teenager. Most teenage girls would almost kill for a boyfriend, and I'd rather not have one. I don't know, I just have to wait on God's good time. Only he can let me know when I'm ready. Until then I just hang with everybody.

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